(since v2.6.0)

1. Introduction

This transformation provides rules with which code lists contained in the model can be populated with information. Typically, the codes of a code list are managed outside of an application schema. That means that even though the application schema content may be fixed in a specific version of the schema, the codes of the code lists that are used by the schema can vary. Externally managed code lists are typically modelled without any codes.

A use case where the transformation is useful is encoding a code list in a specific format, like an ISO 19139 code list dictionary. The transformation loads the codes of a code list from its authoritative source. Subsequent ShapeChange processes, like the ISO 19139 Codelist Dictionary target, can then derive a dictionary in the required format. The same workflow can be used to update the dictionary at any time.

2. Configuration

2.1. Class

The class for this transformer implementation is de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Transformation.Adding.CodeListLoader

2.2. Transformation Rules

2.2.1. rule-trf-cls-loadCodes

This rule loads codes from authoritative code list sources into the model. The transformation looks at each code list contained in the schemas selected for processing. If the code list defines the source, then the codes will be retrieved from the source and added to the code list. The source is defined by tagged value codeListSource, which provides a link to a remote or local resource in a specific representation. The representation is defined via tagged value codeListSourceRepresentation. At the moment, the following representation is supported:

  • Representation:

    • ID: application/x.iso639_2

    • Definition: The CSV-based list of ISO 639-2 language codes, as published by the Library of Congress. Codes are loaded as follows: The code name is the alpha-3 code (bibliographic, in case that both a bibliographic and a terminologic code are available). The english name is used as the definition and documentation of the code.

Additional representations can be added in the future.

The tagged value codeListSourceCharset can be used to define the character set of the resource. This information is used to correctly read the code list resource. If the tagged value is blank, then UTF-8 is used by default. You can use one of the character sets supported by Java. For further details, see the documentation of the Java class Charset and its method forName(String charsetName).

2.3. Parameters

At the moment no parameters are defined for this transformation.

2.4. Map Entries

At the moment no map entries are defined for this transformation.

2.5. Advanced Process Configuration

This transformation does not make use of the advanced process configuration facility.

3. Configuration Example

<Transformer class="de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Transformation.Adding.CodeListLoader"
 id="TRF_CL_LOADER" input="IDENTITY" mode="enabled">
  <ProcessRuleSet name="cl_loader_rules">
   <rule name="rule-trf-cls-loadCodes"/>