The ShapeChange tool was originally written by interactive instruments GmbH, and expanded by The MITRE Corporation and the Danish Geodata Agency.

Contributors are:

Name Organization

Clemens Portele

interactive instruments GmbH

Johannes Echterhoff

interactive instruments GmbH

Ellen D. Badgley

The MITRE Corporation

Paul Birkel

The MITRE Corporation

Reinhard Erstling

interactive instruments GmbH

Remi Koblenzer

interactive instruments GmbH

Stefan Olk

interactive instruments GmbH

Jörg Schmittwilken

interactive instruments GmbH

Heidi Vanparys

Danish Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency

ShapeChange is made available under the terms of the General Public License (GPL).

Package de.interactive_instruments.shapechange and its subpackages: ©2002-2024, interactive instruments GmbH

Package us.mitre.ShapeChange and its subpackages: © 2007-2013, The MITRE Corporation.