(since v2.4.0)
1. Introduction
This transformation provides specific rules to process tagged values.
Common transformer functionality supports setting of tagged values. See Setting Tagged Values for further details. |
2. Configuration
The following sections specifiy the configuration options for this transformation.
2.1. Class
The class for this transformer implementation is de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Transformation.TaggedValues.TaggedValueTransformer
2.2. Rules
2.2.1. rule-trf-taggedValue-createOriginalSchemaInformationTags
For all classes and properties of the schemas selected for processing, this rule sets a number of tagged values:
originalSchemaName - name of the (application) schema package which owns the class
originalClassName - the class name
originalSchemaName - name of the (application) schema package which owns the property (more specifically, the class that owns that property)
originalInClassName - name of the class which owns the property
originalPropertyName - the property name
originalPropertyMultiplicity - the property multiplicity
originalPropertyValueType - the property value type
The information is kept by subsequent transformations (like Flattener rules, which might otherwise set such tags), and can especially be useful for targets which need to encode information about the origin of transformed model elements. An example is the SqlDdl target, which can use the information to generate SQL encoding infos.
2.2.2. rule-trf-taggedValue-inheritance
Copies the tagged values specified via configuration parameter taggedValueInheritanceGeneralList from supertypes of the whole model down to their subtypes, starting at the top of inheritance trees. If the tagged value already exists in the subtype, then by default it is retained. However, the value can also be overwritten and the two values can be merged - for further details, see configuration parameters taggedValueInheritanceOverwriteList and taggedValueInheritanceAppendList.
Care should be taken in case that the model contains classes with multiple supertypes. |
The implementation currently does not support tagged values with multiple values. |
2.3. Parameters
2.3.1. taggedValueInheritanceAppendList
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String (comma-separated list)
Default Value: none
Explanation: Comma-separated list of names of tagged values. If a subtype already has a tagged value that would be copied from a supertype under rule-trf-taggedValue-inheritance, and that tagged value is contained in the list, then the value from the tagged value of the supertype shall be appended to the value of the tagged value from the subtype, using the separator defined by configuration parameter taggedValueInheritanceAppendSeparator.
Appending a tagged value has lower priority than overwriting (see taggedValueInheritanceOverwriteList). If a tagged value is listed for both parameters taggedValueInheritanceOverwriteList and taggedValueInheritanceAppendList then it will be ignored in the latter. |
Applies to Rule(s): rule-trf-taggedValue-inheritance
2.3.2. taggedValueInheritanceAppendSeparator
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: ", "
Explanation: Define the separator to use when a tagged value inherited from a supertype under rule-trf-taggedValue-inheritance shall be appended to the tagged value of the subtype.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-trf-taggedValue-inheritance
2.3.3. taggedValueInheritanceGeneralList
Alias: none
Required / Optional: Required
Type: String (comma-separated list)
Default Value: none
Explanation: Comma-separated list of names of tagged values for which rule-trf-taggedValue-inheritance shall be applied.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-trf-taggedValue-inheritance
2.3.4. taggedValueInheritanceOverwriteList
Alias: none
Required / Optional: Required
Type: String (comma-separated list)
Default Value: none
Explanation: Comma-separated list of names of tagged values. If a subtype already has a tagged value that would be copied from a supertype under rule-trf-taggedValue-inheritance, and that tagged value is contained in the list, then the tagged value shall be overwritten in the subtype, rather than being retained.
Overwriting a tagged value has higher priority than appending (see taggedValueInheritanceAppendList). If a tagged value is listed for both parameters taggedValueInheritanceOverwriteList and taggedValueInheritanceAppendList then it will be ignored in the latter. |
Applies to Rule(s): rule-trf-taggedValue-inheritance
3. Sample Configuration
input="INPUT" id="taggedValueInheritance" mode="enabled">
<ProcessParameter name="taggedValueInheritanceGeneralList"
<ProcessParameter name="taggedValueInheritanceOverwriteList"
<ProcessParameter name="taggedValueInheritanceAppendList"
<ProcessParameter name="taggedValueInheritanceAppendSeparator" value="|"/>
<ProcessRuleSet name="taggedValueInheritance">
<rule name="rule-trf-taggedValue-inheritance"/>