(since v2.4.0)
1. Introduction
ShapeChange loads a UML model into an internal representation. This internal model can be transformed, and target representations can be derived from it (e.g. XML Schemas).
The ModelExport target exports the internal model to a ShapeChange specific XML format: SCXML. The format can be loaded by ShapeChange and other tools, for example the ShapeChange Profile Management Tool (PMT).
2. Description
By default, this target exports the full model, with all profiles defined by the schemas selected for processing. Conversion rules and the parameter exportProfilesFromWholeModel can modify that behavior. Likewise, the set of tagged values to export can be controlled via the parameter ignoreTaggedValuesRegex.
The default value of that parameter is "(profiles)", so by default the "profiles" tagged value will not be exported! |
Another aspect that requires consideration when exporting a model is the
way that profiles are defined in it. ShapeChange supports two profile
definition behaviors: explicit and non-explicit (for further details,
see the Profiler).
Profile definitions in an exported model must be explicit. Consequently,
if the profile definitions of a model are not explicit, they need to be
converted before exporting the model – unless profiles shall be omitted
By default, the ModelExport target assumes that the profile
definitions in the model are explicit. By setting parameter
to false, the target can be configured to convert profile definitions.
In that case, the target will gather the names of all profiles defined
in the model, and assign this set of profiles to each class without a
profile assignment. Alternatively, the profile names can explicitly be
configured via the configuration parameter
Properties without profile assignment receive the profiles of their
The XML format supports attributes and elements that are specifically designed to support editing model profiles with the PMT. The PMT differentiates between packages that are editable and those that are not editable. Typically, external schemas like the ISO schemas are not the subject of profiling. In that case, packages with ISO schemas would be set as not editable. By default, the ModelExport target marks all packages that do not belong to schemas selected for processing (primarily via the input parameters appSchemaName, appSchemaNameRegex, and appSchemaNamespaceRegex) as not editable. That can be changed via rule-exp-pkg-allPackagesAreEditable.
The target exports the model into an XML file (the name and location of the export file are defined via the parameters outputFilename and outputDirectory). If the parameter zipOutput is set to true, then the XML file will be put into a ZIP archive. This is useful for large export files that shall be processed with the PMT. When exporting large models, it is advisable to set the parameter.
3. Configuration
3.1. Class
The class for the target implementation is de.interactive_instruments.shapechange.core.target.modelexport.ModelExport
3.2. Conversion Rules
3.2.1. rule-exp-all-omitDescriptors
(since v2.9.0)
If this rule is included, descriptors of model elements will not be encoded.
Parameter(s): none
3.2.2. rule-exp-all-omitExistingProfiles
By default, existing profiles are exported. With this rule, that behavior can be changed to omit existing profiles.
This rule has higher priority than rule-exp-all-restrictExistingProfiles.
Parameter(s): none
3.2.3. rule-exp-all-restrictExistingProfiles
By default, existing profiles are exported. With this rule, that behavior can be changed to restrict the set of profiles that are exported.
The target parameter profilesToExport contains a (comma-separated) list of names of the profiles that shall be exported.
This rule has lower priority than rule-exp-all-omitExistingProfiles.
3.2.4. rule-exp-pkg-allPackagesAreEditable
By default, packages that do not belong to the schemas selected for processing are marked as not editable. If this rule is enabled, all packages are exported as editable.
Parameter(s): none
3.2.5. rule-exp-prop-suppressIsNavigable
(since v2.9.0)
By default, navigability of a property is encoded within the sc:isNavigable element. The element is omitted if navigability is true (since that is the reasonable default for attributes, which typically represent the bulk of properties within an application schema). Thus, sc:isNavigable is typically only set if navigability is false.
However: In UML 1, property navigability indicated property ownership. A navigable association role was always owned by a class. In UML 2.4+, that convention is deprecated. In UML 2.4+, ownership and navigability are separate concepts, and navigability does not have much useful meaning anymore. For UML 1 and UML 2 based schemas, where ownership is not explicitly defined, ownership is derived from property navigability. Since the sc:isNavigable element is optional, without a default value, SCXML supports use cases where the schema explicitly models property ownership and navigability is not used at all. However, ShapeChange encodes navigability by default, and this default behavior supports use cases where ownership is defined through navigability.
If this rule is included in the encoding rule, then sc:isNavigable elements will not be created, which supports creating SCXML for use cases where ownership is modeled explicitly and not defined implicitly through navigability.
Parameter(s): none
3.3. Parameters
3.3.1. exportProfilesFromWholeModel
Required / Optional: optional
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Explanation: By default, profiles are exported only for classes (and their properties) from schemas that are selected for processing. If this parameter is set to true, profiles are exported for all model classes (and their properties).
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
3.3.2. ignoreTaggedValuesRegex
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String (with regular expression)
Default Value: (profiles)
Explanation: A tagged value whose name matches the regular expression defined by this parameter will not be exported.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
3.3.3. includeConstraintDescriptions
(since v2.9.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Explanation: If true, descriptive information of OCL and FOL constraints is encoded in <description> elements. If false (the default behavior, for backwards-compatibility reasons), no <description> elements will be created for constraints.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
3.3.4. outputDirectory
Required / Optional: Required
Type: String
Default Value: the current run directory
Explanation: The path to the folder in which the model export file will be created.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
3.3.5. outputFilename
Required / Optional: Required
Type: String
Default Value: ModelExport
Explanation: The name of the model export file (without file extension).
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
3.3.6. profilesInModelSetExplicitly
Required / Optional: optional
Type: Boolean
Default Value: true
Explanation: Indicates if profile definitions in the input model are explicitly set (true) or not (false). If they are not, then profile inheritance would apply, which is converted during the export (see parameter profilesForClassesWithoutExplicitProfileAssignments) unless rule-exp-all-omitExistingProfiles is enabled.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
3.3.7. profilesForClassesWithoutExplicitProfileAssignments
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String (comma separated list of values)
Default Value: all profiles defined in the model
Explanation: Names of profiles that will be set for classes that do not belong to a specific profile. This is relevant in case that the profiles are not set explicitly in the model (parameter profilesInModelSetExplicitly is false) and if rule-exp-all-omitExistingProfiles is not enabled.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
3.3.8. profilesToExport
Required / Optional: required
Type: String (comma separated list of values)
Default Value: none
Explanation: Names of profiles to export
Applies to Rule(s): rule-exp-all-restrictExistingProfiles
3.3.9. schemaLocation
(since v2.8.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Explanation: The location of the XML Schema that shall be referenced by the xsi:schemaLocation attribute, which will be added to the root of the generated SCXML file. Note that the namespace, which is the first part of the xsi:schemaLocation, will not be changed by this parameter. Only the schema location is changed.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
3.3.10. suppressCodeAndEnumCharacteristicsWithoutSemanticMeaning
(since v2.9.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Explanation: If true, then the following property characteristics will not be encoded for codes/enums, because they do not have semantic meaning (for a code/enum):
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
4. Configuration Example
<Target class="de.interactive_instruments.shapechange.core.target.modelexport.ModelExport" mode="enabled">
<targetParameter name="outputDirectory" value="results/modelexport"/>
<targetParameter name="outputFilename" value="schema_export"/>
<targetParameter name="sortedOutput" value="true"/>
<targetParameter name="defaultEncodingRule" value="export"/>
<EncodingRule name="export">
<rule name="rule-exp-all-omitExistingProfiles"/>
<rule name="rule-exp-pkg-allPackagesAreEditable"/>