(since v2.4.0)

1. Introduction

The ProfileTransferEA target writes profile information into an EA repository. This can be useful when one or more profiles have been defined using the Profile Management Tool (PMT) and these profiles need to be made available in a model contained in an EA repository, for example to execute specific queries.

2. Description

The ProfileTransferEA target can be used to transfer profile information that has been loaded by ShapeChange into an EA repository.

The connection to the EA repository is defined either in the input or in the target configuration, via the parameters repositoryFileNameOrConnectionString, username, and password.

Instead of modifying an existing EA repository, the user may want to transfer profiles into a copy of the EA repository. That is possible if the repository is a local EA repository file. For further details, see the explanation of parameter transferToCopyOfEARepository.

Profiles are transferred to corresponding model elements in the EA repository. If no corresponding element can be found, a warning is logged.

By default, the transfer only applies to non-prohibited model elements in schemas selected for processing (which are primarily configured via the input parameters appSchemaName, appSchemaNameRegex, and appSchemaNamespaceRegex). For details on non-prohibited classes, see the explanation of input parameter prohibitLoadingClassesWithStatusTaggedValue. This can be extended to all schemas, via the parameter processAllSchemas.

By default, all profiles from corresponding elements of the input model are transferred. The set of profiles to transfer can be restricted by setting the parameter profilesToTransfer.

Furthermore, profile information that is transferred is merged with existing profile information. This behavior can be changed via the parameter deleteExistingProfiles (for further details, see the explanation of the parameter).

3. Configuration

3.1. Class

The class for the target implementation is de.interactive_instruments.shapechange.ea.target.profiletransfer.ProfileTransferEA

3.2. Conversion Rules

This target does not have any specific conversion rules.

3.3. Parameters

3.3.1. deleteExistingProfiles

Required / Optional: optional

Type: Boolean

Default Value: false

Explanation: By default, profiles that are transferred are merged with existing profiles of a model element in the EA repository. Merging means that only the profiles with names that match one of the names of profiles to be transferred will be overwritten - all other profiles of the model element will be kept.

If this parameter is set to true, any previously existing profiles of a model element from the EA repository that is eligible for profile transfer (see  parameter processAllSchemas) are deleted before profiles are transferred to it (even if no corresponding model elements could be found in the input model).

Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior

3.3.2. outputDirectory

Required / Optional: optional

Type: String

Default Value: the current run directory

Explanation: Only relevant if parameter transferToCopyOfEARepository is "true". In that case, parameter outputDirectory defines the path to the folder in which the copy of the EA repository file will be created.

Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior

3.3.3. processAllSchemas

Required / Optional: optional

Type: Boolean

Default Value: false

Explanation: By default, profiles are transferred only for non-prohibited classes (and their properties) from schemas that are selected for processing. If this parameter is set to true, profiles are transferred for non-prohibited classes (and their properties) from all schemas. For details on non-prohibited classes, see the explanation of input parameter prohibitLoadingClassesWithStatusTaggedValue.

Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior

3.3.4. profilesToTransfer

Required / Optional: optional

Type: String (comma separated list of values)

Default Value: all profiles

Explanation: Names of profiles to be transferred.

Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior

3.3.5. password

Required / Optional: optional

Type: String

Default Value: none

Explanation: If the target parameter repositoryFileNameOrConnectionString is set, and the connection requires a username and password, set the password with this target parameter.

If the parameter repositoryFileNameOrConnectionString is not set in the target configuration, the target will fully rely on the information provided in the input configuration. In other words, then there is no need to set the parameter password in the target configuration.

Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior

3.3.6. repositoryFileNameOrConnectionString

Required / Optional: optional

Type: String

Default Value: defaults to the value of the input parameters inputFile and repositoryFileNameOrConnectionString (the former has higher priority than the latter).

Explanation: If this parameter is set in the target configuration, it provides the connection info of the EA repository to which profiles shall be transferred. If the parameter is not set, the target will transfer the profiles into the model that is defined in the input configuration of ShapeChange (for further details on this parameter, see the explanation for the input parameter repositoryFileNameOrConnectionString; keep in mind that the target will assume / requires that the connection to an EA repository is given).

Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior

3.3.7. transferToCopyOfEARepository

Alias: transferToCopyOfEAP (this was the parameter name in ShapeChange v2.x)

Required / Optional: optional

Type: Boolean

Default Value: false

Explanation: By default, profile information is transferred into the EA repository that is defined by the configuration. If this target parameter is 'true' and if the EA repository defined by the configuration is an EA repository file, then that file is copied into the output directory and only the copy will be processed by the target.

Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior

3.3.8. username

Required / Optional: optional

Type: String

Default Value: none

Explanation: If the target parameter repositoryFileNameOrConnectionString is set, and the connection requires a username and password, set the username with this target parameter.

If the parameter repositoryFileNameOrConnectionString is not set in the target configuration, the target will fully rely on the information provided in the input configuration. In other words, then there is no need to set the parameter username in the target configuration.

Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior

4. Configuration Example

<Target class="de.interactive_instruments.shapechange.ea.target.profiletransfer.ProfileTransferEA"
  mode="enabled" inputs="TRF_X">
  <targetParameter name="outputDirectory" value="results/profileTransfer"/>
  <targetParameter name="transferToCopyOfEARepository" value="true"/>
  <targetParameter name="deleteExistingProfiles" value="true"/>
  <targetParameter name="profilesToTransfer" value="A,C"/>