This target derives a SQL structure from an application schema. The structure is typically translated to a Data Definition Language (DDL) schema, which can be used to set up an SQL database which can store application data compliant to the schema. The structure can also be translated into a replication schema.
The target currently supports conversion of feature types, object types, data types, enumerations, and code lists. Conversion of unions is currently not supported. |
The overall workflow consists of five steps:
Loading the model with the application schema
Flattening the schema
Executing additional transformations (e.g. for handling keywords)
Deriving SQL structure from the schema
Translating to a DDL script or a replication schema
Steps 2-5 are described in the following sections.
1. Pre-Processing: Flattening
In order to achieve a simple structure of tables, and also in order to cope with the potential complexity of the application schema, a number of flattening rules need to be executed:
if associative tables shall be created, also enable the following subrules:
The flattening rules and parameters are documented in detail on the Flattener transformation page. |
The following parameters should be set for the flattening transformation:
maxOccurs: set the default value for representing properties with maximum cardinality > 1 (and a type that is not represented by a separate table)
flattenObjectTypes: setting this parameter to false will result in object types not being flattened, thus allowing the SQL DDL derivation process to generate instructions for creating tables not only for feature types but also for object types.
flattenDataTypesExcludeRegex: if the SQL DDL target shall create tables for particular data types, these data types can be excluded from type flattening.
codeByTaggedValue: setting this parameter allows you to indicate that the code to replace the name of a model element should not be looked up in the alias of that model element, but in the tagged value identified by the value of this parameter
2. Pre-Processing: Additional Transformations
Before the SQL DDL target is executed, additional transformations can be applied to the model.
For example, if the application schema contains classes whose name is a SQL keyword (see this list, for example), the Naming Modifier transformation can be applied to change the names of these classes. The transformation simply adds a suffix to the class name, thus preventing a conflict with reserved SQL keywords.
The same applies to property names. |
3. Deriving SQL Structure from the Schema
3.1. Overview
In general, the target creates SQL statements for:
creating tables
altering tables
to add foreign key constraints
to add check constraints
adding geometry metadata update statements
creating geometry indexes
documentation of model elements via comment statements
Statements are created with one particular database system in mind. The user chooses – by setting the configuration parameter databaseSystem – whether statements shall be created for PostgreSQL, Oracle, or SQL Server.
3.2. Tables
For each type that is to be converted (as defined by the encoding rule) the target generates CREATE TABLE statements:
The (normalized) name of the type is used as the table name.
NOTE: Database schema assignment is supported for PostgreSQL DDL via rule-sql-all-schemas
Primary key:
If an «identifier» attribute is defined for a type in the conceptual schema (see rule-sql-cls-identifierStereotype) then the column that represents that attribute will be the primary key of the table that represents the type. The data type of foreign key columns that reference that table will be set accordingly.
The SQL DDL target generates a primary key column. The name of the that column is defined via the idColumnName parameter.
The data type of the generated primary key column depends upon the database system:
PostgreSQL: bigserial
Oracle: integer
SQL Server: bigint
SQLite: integer
The configuration parameters primaryKeySpecification and primaryKeySpecificationCodelist can be used to influence the specification of primary keys.
NOTE: For an associative table that represents an n:m relationship between two types, the primary key is constructed using all columns of that table. Parameters primaryKeySpecification and primaryKeySpecificationCodelist are ignored for these primary keys.
The conversion of properties into column definition statements is described in the following section.
Associative tables can also be created. The behavior for encoding various model constructs when creation of associative tables is enabled (and assuming that multiplicity was not totally flattened) are depicted in the following figures:

3.3. Property Conversion
This section describes the conversion of properties.
Not each and every nuance of property conversion may be covered here. The conversion depends on the encoding rule, and the conversion rules it includes (for further details, see section Rules). |
A property will not be encoded if:
It is derived, and rule-sql-prop-exclude-derived is enabled,
rule-sql-all-notEncoded applies to it,
The value type of the property is contained in the application schema but no map entry is defined for that type and the type itself is not converted (e.g. because it is abstract, or because no rule is set that is a pre-requisite to convert the kind of type, like rule-sql-cls-object-types).
The conversion of code list properties is handled via rule-sql-cls-code-lists.
If the maximum cardinality of the property equals 1 a column definition statement is created; otherwise:
If the property belongs to a bi-directional association and the reverse property has maximum cardinality of 1 then we have an n:1 relationship in the model which can be represented.
If rule-sql-all-associativetables is enabled we can represent the relationship via an associative table.
Otherwise the property is ignored.
The data type for a column is defined as follows:
If the value type of the property is a type represented by a table, then the column contains a foreign key. The data type of the column is the same as that of the primary key column of the referenced table.
NOTE: In order for a type to be recognized as being represented by a table, the following rules apply:
a map entry is defined for the type, containing the table parameter,
or: the type is a feature, object, data type, or code list that:
is part of the model AND
table creation for the type is allowed (defined by the encoding rule) AND
the type is part of the schema OR rule-sql-cls-references-to-external-types is in effect
NOTE: Via the createReferences parameter one can omit the creation of foreign key constraints. These constraints ensure referential integrity. For performance reasons (such as on insert or update, or to allow temporarily inconsistent data) a user may choose to omit the creation of these constraints.
If a type mapping is available via the map entries set for this target (for further details, see the Map Entries section) then the type defined by the mapping is used.
A type mapping can provide additional information, for example how to encode default values and if the target type is a geometry type. For further details, see the map entries section.
If the property has tagged value precision and, optionally, tagged value scale (both with integer value), an according suffix is added to the datatype declaration, resulting in, for example, 'number(5,2)' instead of just 'number'.
If no type mapping is available then for properties with the value type being an enumeration, codelist, data, object or feature type (if the encoding rule does not cover the type) a textual data type is applied.
Otherwise "unknown" is set as data type.
If an initial value is set for the property in the UML model, this value is set as the DEFAULT (for further details on encoding of default values, see the Default Values section).
If the property is NOT optional (minimum cardinality < 1), voidable, or nillable then "NOT NULL" is added to the column definition statement.
Schema elements can be documented as described in section Documentation.
3.4. Textual Data Type with Limited or Unlimited Length
Database systems usually support textual data types with limited and unlimited length for table columns.
SQLite is a bit different, because it maps data types to a small set of general data types, based upon type affinity. For further details, see |
In order to identify whether a UML property should be represented by a column with a textual data type of limited length or by a textual data type of unlimited length, the target reviews the map entry that applies for the value type of the property:
If the target type of the map entry (MapEntry/@targetType) specifies conditional type selection (via the value 'cond:textOrCharacterVarying'), then the target evaluates the 'size' defined for the property. The value of 'size' is defined by, in order of precedence, (1) the tagged value 'size' on the property, (2) the value of the configuration parameter size and (3) a default value. If 'size' is 0 or negative, the textual data type with unlimited length is chosen. If 'size' is positive, the textual data type with limited length is chosen, with the limit being defined by the value of 'size'.
If the target type of the map entry (MapEntry/@targetType) does not specify conditional type selection, then the data type of the column is defined by the map entry. For a textual data type, the length may be specified via a parameterization of the data type in MapEntry/@targetType. Example: @targetType = 'VARCHAR2(25)'. In order to indicate that the data type parameter provides a value for length – and not, for example, for precision – MapEntry@param must define the map entry parameter 'length'.
NOTE (since v2.9.0): For the Oracle database system, it is also possible to qualify the length of a data type with limited length. The value of this qualifier is defined by, in order of precedence, (1) the characteristic 'lengthQualifier' of the map entry parameter 'length' and (2) the target parameter lengthQualifier. The value of the Oracle initialization parameter NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS decides the default length semantics of the database if no qualifier is specified.
Map entry examples for the Oracle database system:
<MapEntry type="CharacterString" rule="*" targetType="cond:textOrCharacterVarying" param="defaultValue{quoted=true},length{lengthQualifier=BYTE}"/>
<MapEntry type="CountryCode" rule="*" targetType="VARCHAR2(3)" param="length{lengthQualifier=CHAR}"/>
<MapEntry type="MyEnumeration" rule="*" targetType="VARCHAR2(8)" param="length{lengthQualifier=NONE}"/><!-Overrides target parameter lengthQualifier -->
<MapEntry type="MyEnumeration2" rule="*" targetType="VARCHAR2(10)" param="length"/><!-Values of NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS determines whether VARCHAR2(10) is equivalent to VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) or to VARCHAR2(10 BYTE). -->
3.5. Foreign Key Constraint Options
3.5.1. Referential Actions
(since v2.6.0)
A foreign key referential action defines behavior for a table with foreign key, in case that the primary key of the record that is referenced by the foreign key has been updated or deleted. For further details, see the documentation of the relevant database system.
ShapeChange supports defining these actions, both globally using target parameters foreignKeyOnUpdate and foreignKeyOnDelete, as well as locally, using tagged values 'sqlOnUpdate' and 'sqlOnDelete, for properties that represent foreign keys. The tagged values are set on an attribute, an association role, or the association the role belongs to (if ShapeChange does not find a definition for a foreign key referential action on an association role, it tries to look it up in the association). A local definition thereby is given priority over the global definition. In other words, if a referential action is defined via target parameter AND locally for a property that will be represented by a foreign key, then the definition on the property will win in that case.
Local definition using tagged values in the model is not supported in every case. That is because there can be multiple ways in which a model element can be represented in SQL. For example, the SqlDdl target has multiple rules for converting data types. In some of these rules, no property-specific tables are created. With such rules, setting tagged values for referential actions on these properties would have no effect. Instead, one would have to set the tagged values on the data type itself. If a different conversion rule for data types was then applied, the tagged values would have to be updated again. These circumstances can make it difficult (if not impossible) for a modeling expert to add tagged values for controlling referential actions in the right places - at least for certain cases (like data type valued properties). Furthermore, if the conversion rules would change at a later point in time, the modeling expert might have to revise the tagged values again. |
In general, ShapeChange knows the following foreign key referential actions:
No Action
Set Default
Set Null
When parsing the tagged value 'sqlOnDelete' and 'sqlOnUpdate', as well as the target parameters xef:./SQL_DDL.adoc#foreignKeyOnUpdate[foreignKeyOnUpdate] and foreignKeyOnDelete, case as well as leading, trailing, and intermediate (i.e. between words) whitespace is ignored. ShapeChange can parse, for example, the values 'set null', 'setnull', 'Set Null', and ' set Null '. However, 'se t null' would not be parsed. |
Which referential actions are supported depends on the chosen database system, as well as the intended behaviour (delete or update). The following table gives an overview:
Cascade | No Action | Restrict | Set Default | Set Null | ||
Oracle |
On Delete |
x |
x |
- |
- |
x |
On Update |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
PostgreSQL |
On Delete |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
On Update |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
SQL Server |
On Delete |
x |
x |
- |
x |
x |
On Update |
x |
x |
- |
x |
x |
SQLite |
On Delete |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
On Update |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
ShapeChange checks if the chosen database supports a given action. If that is not the case, an info message is logged, informing the user that the referential action is ignored.
ShapeChange also validates the action. At the moment, there is only one check (additional checks can be added in the future):
If the referential action is 'Set Null' then the foreign key field must not be defined as 'NOT NULL'.
If the referential action is invalid, a warning is logged to inform the user.
3.5.2. Checking Foreign Key Constraints
(since v2.13.0)
Regarding checking of constraints, the SQL standard states:
Every constraint is either deferrable or non-deferrable. Within an SQL-transaction, every constraint has a constraint mode; if a constraint is non-deferrable, then its constraint mode is always immediate, otherwise it is either immediate or deferred. Every constraint has an initial constraint mode that specifies the constraint mode for that constraint at the start of each SQL-transaction and immediately after definition of that constraint. If a constraint is deferrable, then its constraint mode may be changed (from immediate to deferred, or from deferred to immediate) by execution of a <set constraints mode statement>.
The checking of a constraint depends on its constraint mode within the current SQL-transaction. If the constraint mode is immediate, then the constraint is effectively checked at the end of each SQL-statement.
NOTE - This includes SQL-statements that are executed as a direct result or an indirect result of executing a different SQL-statement.
If the constraint mode is deferred, then the constraint is effectively checked when the constraint mode is changed to immediate either explicitly by execution of a <set constraints mode statement>, or implicitly at the end of the current SQL-transaction.
When a constraint is checked other than at the end of an SQL-transaction, if it is not satisfied, then an exception condition is raised and the SQL-statement that caused the constraint to be checked has no effect other than entering the exception information into the first diagnostics area. When a <commit statement> is executed, all constraints are effectively checked and, if any constraint is not satisfied, then an exception condition is raised and the SQL-transaction is terminated by an implicit <rollback statement>.
ShapeChange supports defining if a foreign key is deferrable as well as its initial constraint mode:
deferrable constraint: global configuration via target parameter foreignKeyDeferrable; the value is either 'false' (the default) or 'true'.
initial constraint mode: global configuration via target parameter foreignKeyInitialConstraintMode; the value is either 'immediate' (the default) or 'deferred'
The following list shows, which database systems support deferrable constraints, and which do not:
Oracle: supported - see the Oracle 12.1 Database SQL Language Reference
PostgreSQL: supported - see the PostgreSQL documentation
SQL Server: not supported - see the SQL Server Transact-SQL ISO/IEC 9075-2 Standards Support Document
SQLite: supported - see the SQLite documentation on deferred foreign key constraints.
According to the Enterprise Architect documentation for database modeling (v15.2), specifically the pages on database table constraints / indexes and foreign keys, EA database models do not contain constraint checking options. |
3.6. Naming
Database systems typically have specific requirements regarding the names of tables, columns, constraints, etc.:
There may be restrictions on the length of names.
Names of certain types of SQL objects must be unique.
In addition, communities typically have specific naming conventions which can specify, for example:
The case of names (upper, lower, or mixed).
The way that names of constraints (e.g. check and foreign key constraints) are constructed.
How conflicting names shall be made unique.
The following sections describe the features and configuration options supported by ShapeChange with respect to naming.
3.6.1. Normalization of Names
Database systems may enforce certain restrictions on names, for example table names. The SQL DDL target therefore normalizes names taken from the model when using them in DDL statements. Normalization is applied to names of: schemas, tables, columns, indexes, and constraints (check and foreign key).
In general, all occurrences of "." and "-" are replaced by "_". Further normalization is performed depending upon the configured conversion rules:
Switch to lower case. By default, the name length is not restricted.
However, a length limit can be defined using target parameter maxNameLength. This rule, together with a length limit for names of 63 characters, is used as default when the targetParameter "databaseSystem" is specified to be PostgreSQL. NOTE: If the length of the normalized name is different to the original one, a debug message will be logged.
Restrict name length to 30 characters and switch to upper case. Default for Oracle database system. NOTE: If the length of the normalized name is different to the original one, a warning will be logged.
Restrict name length to 128 characters (case is not modified). Default for SQL Server database system. NOTE: If the length of the normalized name is different to the original one, a warning will be logged.
Switch to upper case. By default, the name length is not restricted.
However, a length limit can be defined using target parameter maxNameLength. NOTE: If the length of the normalized name is different to the original one, a debug message will be logged.
As we can see, normalization involves limiting the length of a name and changing case (to lower or upper). The latter can be switched off by including rule-sql-all-normalizing-ignore-case.
3.6.2. Unique Naming
The naming scheme of a database system typically requires that the names of certain types of SQL objects are unique.
ShapeChange supports a naming scheme that ensures that the names of constraints generated by the target (check, foreign key, and unique constraints) are unique. Additional naming schemes can be added if required.
The SqlDdl target currently does not check whether the names of schemas, tables, columns, or indexes are unique. |
The default strategy to ensure that a constraint name is unique is to replace the end of the name with an integer suffix. For example, if the name CHK_PROPERTY already exists, a new constraint with that name would receive the name CHK_PROPERT0. The range of the integer is 0-9999. If this range does not suffice to ensure unique naming, ShapeChange will log an error. Additional strategies can be added in the future, if required.
3.6.3. Naming of Foreign Key Constraints
By default, ShapeChange constructs the name of a foreign key constraint as follows:
"fk_" + tableName + "_" + fieldName
This behavior can be changed via conversion rules:
Once the name of a foreign key constraint has been created, it is normalized and may also be made unique, depending upon the unique naming strategy employed by the naming scheme. If the resulting name is different to the original one, a warning will be logged. |
3.6.4. Naming of Check Constraints
The way that names of check constraints are created can be configured using the following conversion rules:
If none of these rules is included in the configuration, then default rules apply, depending upon the chosen database system (the rule name indicates if the rule is a default for a specific database system or not).
Once the name of a check constraint has been created, it is normalized and may also be made unique, depending upon the unique naming strategy employed by the naming scheme. If the resulting name is different to the original one, a warning will be logged. |
3.6.5. Naming of Unique Constraints
Unique constraints can be produced using rule-sql-prop-uniqueConstraints.
Currently, the naming scheme for unique constraints depends on the database system:
Oracle: "uk_" + tableName (restricted to the first 13 characters) + "_" + columnName (restricted to the first 13 characters)
PostgreSQL and SQLite: "uk_" + tableName + "_" + columnName
SQLServer: "uk_" + {tableName + "_" + columnName} (restricted to the first 125 characters)
Once the name of a unique constraint has been created, it is normalized and may also be made unique, depending upon the unique naming strategy employed by the naming scheme. If the resulting name is different to the original one, a warning will be logged. |
3.7. Default Values
The conceptual model may define an initial value for a property.
If the property belongs to a code list or enumeration, then the initial value typically provides the code/enum value to use for encoding data. The name of the property then provides the human readable name of the code/enum.
If, however, the property does NOT belong to a code list or enumeration, then the initial value defines the default value for the property. In that case, the value type of the property maps to a simple type, for example CharacterString, Boolean, or Real.
In SQL, the default value defined for a column must be quoted if the column has a textual type. Single quotes in a default value must be escaped with another single quote. Furthermore, initial values for type Boolean can be implemented in different ways, depending upon conventions of the given database system and user community.
Map entries define how a specific type from the conceptual model is implemented in a given encoding. For example, type Boolean may be implemented as an integer in Oracle, as a boolean in PostgreSQL, and as a bit in SQL Server. A map entry can also specify how default values shall be encoded. The according parameter is called "defaultValue". The specification of the default value includes if the value shall be quoted, and how the boolean values 'true' and 'false' shall be encoded.
Examples (taken from standard map entries [linked in the map entries section]):
<MapEntry type="Boolean" rule="*" targetType="INTEGER" param="defaultValue{true=1;false=0}"/>
<MapEntry type="Boolean" rule="*" targetType="boolean" param="defaultValue{true=TRUE;false=FALSE}"/>
<MapEntry type="Boolean" rule="*" targetType="bit" param="defaultValue{true=1;false=0}"/>
<MapEntry type="Date" rule="*" targetType="DATE" param="defaultValue{quoted=true}"/>
<MapEntry type="CharacterString" rule="*" targetType="cond:textOrCharacterVarying" param="defaultValue{quoted=true}"/>
3.8. Geometry Metadata
This section applies to the Oracle database system only. |
When the DDL contains tables with spatial columns, the view USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA must be updated before creating spatial indexes.
Up until v2.3.0, ShapeChange created statements like the following:
The SDO_DIM_ARRAY value needed to be specified by the user in a separate postprocessing step.
Since v2.4.0, ShapeChange supports the configuration parameter sdoDimElements. The parameter can be used to provide a global value for SDO_DIM_ARRAY. With this parameter, statements like the following can be created:
In the future, the functionality to specify the value of SDO_DIM_ARRAY can be extended to define the actual value per spatial column, for example via a tagged value on the according property from the conceptual model. |
3.9. Indexes
The target creates indexes for fields with a geometry value.
If needed, indexes for other fields must be added later on.
3.10. Documentation
By default, the SQL DDL target creates inline comments for columns that represent application schema elements (attributes and association roles). The creation of inline comments can be prevented by including rule-sql-all-suppressDocumentationViaInlineComments.
Some database systems support explicit COMMENT statements to document schema elements, which can be useful for documentation of the DDL in a more tool-friendly manner. Such statements can be created by including rule-sql-all-documentationViaExplicitCommentStatements in the encoding rule.
4. Translation to a DDL script, Replication Schema, or Database Model
4.1. Database DDL
The typical output of the SQL DDL target is a DDL script. To produce this script, the SQL structure created in the previous processing step is simply written to a text file.
The output can be amended as follows:
Add text from an external file to the top or bottom of the output; see parameters fileDdlTop and fileDdlBottom for further details.
Empty lines that would normally created in the output to make it more readable can be removed, see parameter removeEmptyLinesInDdlOutput for further details.
4.2. Database Model
(since v2.5.0)
In addition to creating a DDL script, the target can create an Enterprise Architect (EA) repository that contains an EA Database Model representation of the database objects defined by that script. This is useful for further processing the database model using EA, for example for generating documentation or for working with the EA Database Builder.
To create the database model, include rule-sql-all-databaseModel in the encoding rule.
For SQLite database models: SpatiaLite uses SELECT statements to add geometry columns and spatial indexes. The Enterprise Architect database model does not support modeling of SELECT statements, thus when a database model in UML is created from an SQLite SQL structure, geometry columns are defined on tables, and spatial indexes are encoded as operations (the same as for database models created from SQL structures of other database systems). Enterprise Architect supports SQLite but not SpatiaLite. Accordingly, an EA database model in UML can be used for documenting the logical content of an SQLite database, but it cannot be used to generate correct SpatiaLite DDL. For example, spatial indexes and geometry columns will not result in the creation of the SELECT statements that SpatiaLite requires. |
4.3. Replication Schema
The SQL DDL target can also create a so called replication (XML) schema, instead of a DDL script. This functionality has been introduced to support a data publication scenario:
A data publisher may want to share (parts of) data in his database. Sharing of data involves publication of data available at a certain point in time, and publication of subsequent changes to the data. Authorized parties shall thus be enabled to replicate the content of the publisher’s database.
In such a scenario, a replication (XML) schema defines the structure of datasets that are distributed by the data publisher. The replication schema has a simple structure that is identical to the database objects defined in the DDL. The resulting high degree of correspondence between database and replication schema facilitates the publication of data and changes (from the database) in XML (conforming to the replication schema).
The identical structure is achieved by deriving the replication schema from the same internal SQL structure that is built by the SQL DDL target when creating the DDL.
If rule-sql-all-replicationSchema is included in the encoding rule, the output of the SQL DDL target will be a replication schema instead of DDL The schema is derived as follows:
One replication schema file is created for each conceptual schema that has been selected for processing:
The file encoding is UTF-8.
The file name is automatically computed from the name of the conceptual schema package.
The XML namespace prefix defined for the conceptual schema is used for the replication schema as well.
The target namespace defined for the conceptual schema is used for the replication schema as well. However, it can be modified by appending a suffix. The value of this suffix can be defined via the configuration (see parameter replicationSchemaTargetNamespaceSuffix).
An enumeration is converted into a global simple type declaration, like for GML application schemas.
NOTE: Enumerations may reside in another schema/namespace and are usually not flattened. The target can create imports of replication schemas (derived from other application schemas), if these schemas are contained in the input model.
A database table is represented by a global XML element and XML complex type.
NOTE: Tables representing code lists are ignored.
A database column is represented by a local XML element (that belongs to the global type that represents the table the column belongs to).
The type of the XML element is defined as follows:
If the column is an automatically created object identifier column, the type of the element is defined via the configuration parameter replicationSchemaObjectIdentifierFieldType.
Otherwise, if a map entry is defined for the value type of the property that is represented by the column, the target type of the map entry is used as element type.
Otherwise, if the value type of the represented property is an enumeration, the global type of the enumeration is used as element type.
Otherwise, if the value type of the represented property is a code list, the element type will be string.
If none of the aforementioned cases applies, the value of configuration parameter replicationSchemaObjectIdentifierFieldType will be used as fallback.
If the property that is represented by the column is optional (i.e., it has minimum multiplicity 0) or if the table is not an associative table, and rule-sql-prop-replicationSchema-optional is part of the encoding rule, the XML element will have minOccurs=0.
If the column can be NULL and rule-sql-prop-replicationSchema-nillable is part of the encoding rule, then the XML element will have nillable=true.
Elements that may contain very large strings can receive an annotation to document this fact (for further details, see rule-sql-prop-replicationSchema-documentation-fieldWithUnlimitedLengthCharacterDataType).
If the value type of the property that is represented by the column has a name starting with "GM_" (typically an ISO 19107 type, for example GM_Surface) and rule-sql-prop-replicationSchema-geometryAnnotation is enabled, then the following appinfo annotations are added to the XML element:
<sc:geometryType>{name of the property type, e.g. GM_Surface}</sc:geometryType>
<sc:srid>{value of the srid target parameter}</sc:srid>
The maximum length of the XML element may also be restricted (for further details, see rule-sql-prop-replicationSchema-maxLength-from-size).
The XML elements are annotated with global identifier information that is taken from the corresponding elements of the conceptual model.
NOTE: Global identifiers (see descriptor sources) allow the consumer of a replication dataset to automatically relate the content of a replication XML document (i.e., an XML instance that is valid against the replication schema) to the types and properties of the original application schema.
The names of replication schema elements equal the names of the corresponding database tables and columns. However, when including rule-sql-all-normalizing-ignore-case in the encoding rule, conversion to upper or lower case can be prevented. The names of the replication schema would then have a capitalisation following the input model of the target
DDL statements that have no equivalent in the replication schema are ignored, for example foreign key constraints. |
5. SQL Encoding Infos
(since v2.14.0)
The primary purpose of the SQL DDL target is to encode a given
application schema as a database schema. However, the way in which certain
model elements are represented by the database schema may be of
interest for additional applications. For example, the
ldproxy target can use it to determine
source path information when encoding an application schema as ldproxy
configuration files. When the SQL DDL target parameter
is set to true
, the target will create an XML file with details
about the database representation of model elements, based upon
the generated database schema.
The name of that file has suffix _SqlEncodingInfos.xml
Information about the origin of a schema element, such as the original name of a class or property (before the name was modified by a model transformation), can be taken into account, if according tagged values are set. These tags can be added to the model via the tagged value transformer, more specifically via its transformation rule-trf-taggedValue-createOriginalSchemaInformationTags (which also documents the names of relevant tags). Care must be taken, however, when attempting to match elements of a transformed model with elements from the original model. Certain model transformations can alter the model in a way where tracing back to the original model elements is not feasible (or where the necessary tracing mechanics would need to be designed first). An example is flattening of complex types. There, the semantics of properties is getting mixed, when creating copies of value type properties. The only exception are unions that represent feature type sets, such as those that are generated when flattening inheritance. |
The SQL encoding infos are contained in XML element SqlEncodingInfos
Its structure is defined in the
ShapeChange Configuration XML Schema.
The two main components are SqlClassEncodingInfo
and SqlPropertyEncodingInfo
A SqlClassEncodingInfo
element has the following XML attributes:
schemaName (required): Name of the schema to which the class belongs (in the model encoded by the SqlDdl target).
originalSchemaName (optional): Name of the schema to which the class originally belonged. Can be omitted, if the value is the same as schemaName.
className (required): Class name (in the model encoded by the SqlDdl target).
originalClassName (optional): Name of the class in the original schema. Can be omitted, if the value is the same as className.
tableName (optional): Identifier of the database table that represents the class. Multiple SqlClassEncodingInfo elements may exist with same className but different tableName. That can be the case if the class is represented by multiple, property usage specific tables.
databaseSchema (optional): Identifier of the database schema, in which the table is defined. Can be omitted if no particular schema is defined for the table.
A SqlPropertyEncodingInfo
element has the following XML attributes:
schemaName (required): Name of the schema to which the property belongs (in the model encoded by the SqlDdl target).
originalSchemaName (optional): Name of the schema to which the property originally belonged. Can be omitted, if the value is the same as schemaName.
propertyName (required): Property name (in the model encoded by the SqlDdl target).
originalPropertyName (optional): Name of the property in the original schema. Can be omitted, if the value is the same as propertyName.
inClassName (required): Name of the class that owns the property (in the model encoded by the SqlDdl target).
originalInClassName (optional): Name of the class that owned the property in the original schema. Can be omitted, if the value is the same as inClassName.
propertyValueType (required): Name of the property value type (in the model encoded by the SqlDdl target).
originalPropertyValueType (optional): Name of the property value type in the original schema. Can be omitted, if the value is the same as propertyValueType.
propertyMultiplicity (required): Multiplicity of the property (in the model encoded by the SqlDdl target).
originalPropertyMultiplicity (optional): Multiplicity of the property in the original schema. Can be omitted, if the value is the same as propertyMultiplicity.
sourceTable (required): Name of the database table that provides the context for the sourcePath.
sourceTableSchema (optional): Identifier of the database schema, in which the sourceTable is defined. Can be omitted if no particular schema is defined for the sourceTable.
valueSourcePath (required): Path expression (in syntax used by the ldproxy target) that is used to access the property values in the database.
idSourcePath (optional): Path expression (in syntax used by the ldproxy target) that is used to access the database identifiers, i.e., the primary keys, of (complex) property values in the database. Can be omitted for cases in which the property values are simple, such as strings and integers.
idValueType (optional): Type of value provided by the idSourcePath, if one is defined. Either
(default value). -
targetTable (optional): Name of the database table that the source path evaluates to. Can be omitted, if no such table exists - then the source path typically resolves to a simple value contained in a field within the source table, not to a complex value in another table.
targetTableSchema (optional): Identifier of the database schema, in which the targetTable is defined. Can be omitted if no particular schema is defined for the targetTable.
5.1. Example
The following example is from one of the ShapeChange unit tests. The model, configuration, and results of that test are available here. |
<SqlEncodingInfos xmlns="">
<SqlClassEncodingInfo className="T1_Class1" schemaName="Test" tableName="t1_class1"/>
<SqlClassEncodingInfo className="T1_Class2" schemaName="Test" tableName="t1_class2"/>
<!-- ... --->
<SqlClassEncodingInfo className="T3_Class1" schemaName="Test" tableName="t3_class1"/>
<SqlClassEncodingInfo className="T3_Class4"
<SqlClassEncodingInfo className="T3_Class4"
<!-- ... -->
<SqlPropertyEncodingInfo inClassName="T3_Class1"
<SqlPropertyEncodingInfo idSourcePath="[_id=t3_class1_id]t3_class1_p4_t3_class4/_id"
<SqlPropertyEncodingInfo idSourcePath="[_id=t3_class1_id]t3_class1_p9_t3_class4/_id"
<SqlPropertyEncodingInfo idSourcePath="[_id=t1_class1_id]t1_class1_pa1/t1_class2_id"
<SqlPropertyEncodingInfo idSourcePath="pb6_1_fk"
<SqlPropertyEncodingInfo idSourcePath="pb6_2_fk"
<!-- ... -->
6. Configuration
6.1. Class
The class for the target implementation is
6.2. Rules
An <EncodingRule> element defines an encoding rule.
Example 1:
<EncodingRule name="sql">
<rule name="rule-sql-cls-feature-types"/>
The name attribute of the <EncodingRule> element defines the identifier of the encoding rule to be used. The value of the target parameter defaultEncodingRule must contain this name.
The encoding rule with name 'sql' is pre-configured in ShapeChange. It can thus be used as-is, without the need to explicitly define it in the configuration. It can also be extended as required (see example 2). |
The optional extends attribute (shown in example 2) of the <EncodingRule> element includes all rules from the referenced encoding rule in this encoding rule, too.
Example 2:
<EncodingRule name="my_sql_rule" extends="sql">
<rule name="rule-sql-all-associativetables"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-prop-exclude-derived"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-cls-data-types"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-cls-object-types"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-prop-check-constraints-for-enumerations"/>
Each <rule> references either a conversion rule or - possibly in the future - a requirement or recommendation to be tested during the validation before the conversion process.
The default behavior of this target is described in the conversion section.
The following sections list the rules that are supported by this target.
6.2.1. rule-sql-all-associativetables
This rule ensures that associative tables are created for cases in which an n:m relationship exists between types.
The name of the associative table is taken from the tagged value associativeTable - which exists either on an association or an attribute. If the tagged value is not present or empty, the name is created as follows:
If the table represents an n:m relationship represented by an association, then:
for a bi-directional association: the name of the class (from both ends of the association) that is lower in alphabetical order is used, concatenated with the according property name
for a uni-directional association: the name of the inClass of the navigable property is used, concatenated with the property name
If the table represents an n:m relationship that is caused by an attribute with max multiplicity greater than one, then the name of the class that the attribute belongs to is used, concatenated with the property name
6.2.2. rule-sql-all-associativeTablesWithSeparatePkField
(since v2.13.0)
Some model constructs are represented by the SqlDdl target as associative tables in which the primary key is a combination of multiple fields. In practical tests with a database schema generated by ShapeChange, it turned out that these combined primary keys can be an issue. However, if instead of the combined PK, a separate PK-field was used in the associative table, that issue did not occur. While this could potentially be considered as a tool-specific issue, experience shows that separate PK-fields in associative tables can be advantageous. Thus, with this conversion rule, combined PKs in associative tables are replaced by a new, separate PK-field, similar to how such a PK-field is generated for a "normal" table (e.g. representing a feature type).
6.2.3. rule-sql-all-check-constraint-naming-oracle-default
(since v2.4.0)
Under this rule, check constraint identifiers are generated as follows:
tableName + "_" + propertyName + "_ck" where:
tableName is the name of the table the check constraint applies to, clipped to the first thirteen characters
propertyName is the name of the property that the check constraint targets, clipped to the first thirteen characters
The total length of the check constraint will not exceed 30 characters. |
6.2.4. rule-sql-all-check-constraint-naming-pearsonhash
(since v2.4.0)
Under this rule, check constraint identifiers are generated as follows:
"ck_" + tableName + "_" + propertyName + pearsonHash, where:
tableName is the name of the table the check constraint applies to, clipped to the first eleven characters
propertyName is the name of the property that the check constraint targets, clipped to the first eleven characters
pearsonHash is the pearson hash (see and the original paper: Pearson, Peter K. (June 1990), "Fast Hashing of Variable-Length Text Strings", Communications of the ACM, 33 (6): 677, doi:10.1145/78973.78978) of the concatenation of tableName and propertyName, padded with zeros so it has a length of 3
The total length of the check constraint will not exceed 29 characters. |
6.2.5. rule-sql-all-check-constraint-naming-postgresql-default
(since v2.4.0)
Under this rule, check constraint identifiers are generated as follows:
tableName + "_" + propertyName + "_chk"
6.2.6. rule-sql-all-check-constraint-naming-sqlserver-default
(since v2.4.0)
Under this rule, check constraint identifiers are generated as follows:
tableName + "_" + propertyName + "_CK" where:
tableName is the name of the table the check constraint applies to
propertyName is the name of the property that the check constraint targets
The total length of the first three components of the name (tableName + "_" + fieldName) is restricted to 125 characters, so that the total name length does not exceed 128 characters.
6.2.7. rule-sql-all-constraintNameUsingShortName
(since v2.6.0)
Construct the name of a constraint (primary key, foreign key, check, unique) from the short name(s) of the represented model element(s). For example, a table can represent a class, a property, or an association, and a column can represent a property. The short name of such a model element can be defined via a tagged value, which can be identified through the configuration parameter shortNameByTaggedValue. If no short name is specified, the usual naming conventions apply.
6.2.8. rule-sql-all-databaseModel
(since v2.5.0)
If this rule is included, the target creates a database model inside an Enterprise Architect repository.
6.2.9. rule-sql-all-documentationViaExplicitCommentStatements
(since v2.4.0)
Creates COMMENT statements to document tables and columns that represent application schema elements.
For the SQLite database system: Explicit COMMENT statements are not supported by SQLite (the SQLite syntax is documented at Therefore, this rule should not be used when producing DDL for SQLite. |
6.2.10. rule-sql-all-exclude-abstract
If this rule is enabled, abstract classes will be ignored by the target.
6.2.11. rule-sql-all-explicitlyEncodePkReferencedColumnInForeignKeys
(since v2.13.0)
When a foreign key constraint references another table via the primary key columns of the other table, then typically the referenced columns are omitted in the foreign key statement. That is so, because the default behavior in SQL is that the columns of the primary key of the referenced table (in the order defined for that table) are automatically used as referenced columns in the foreign key constraint.
Some tools may not fully implement this default SQL behavior, and instead expect the referenced columns to always be explicitly encoded. In order to support these tools, this conversion rule ensures that in case of a foreign key constraint referencing another table via the primary key columns of that table, that the names of these columns are explicitly encoded.
Instead of ALTER TABLE table1 ADD CONSTRAINT fk_table1_prop FOREIGN KEY (prop_fk) REFERENCES table2
the result would be ALTER TABLE table1 ADD CONSTRAINT fk_table1_prop FOREIGN KEY (prop_fk) REFERENCES table2 (pk_column_of_table2)
6.2.12. rule-sql-all-foreign-key-oracle-naming-style
(since v2.3.0)
Under this rule, foreign key identifiers are generated as follows:
"fk_" + tableNameForFK + "_" + targetTableNameForFK + "_" + fieldNameForFK + count
tableNameForFK is the name of the table that contains the field with the foreign key, clipped to the first eight characters
targetTableNameForFK is the name of the table that the field with foreign key references, clipped to the first eight characters
fieldNameForFK is the name of the field that contains the foreign key, clipped to the first eight characters
count is the number of times the foreign key identifier has been assigned; it ranges from 0-9 and can also be omitted, thus supporting eleven unambiguous uses of the foreign key identifier
NOTE 1: If the foreign key identifier is used more than eleven times, ShapeChange logs a warning.
NOTE 2: The unique naming strategy employed by the naming scheme may still ensure that the name is unique.
6.2.13. rule-sql-all-foreign-key-pearsonhash-naming
(since v2.4.0)
Under this rule, foreign key identifiers are generated as follows:
"fk_" + tableName + "_" + targetTableName + "_" + fieldName + pearsonHash
tableName is the name of the table that contains the field with the foreign key, clipped to the first seven characters
targetTableName is the name of the table that the field with foreign key references, clipped to the first seven characters
fieldName is the name of the field that contains the foreign key, clipped to the first seven characters
pearsonHash is the pearson hash (see and the original paper: Pearson, Peter K. (June 1990), "Fast Hashing of Variable-Length Text Strings", Communications of the ACM, 33 (6): 677, doi:10.1145/78973.78978) of the concatenation of tableName, targetTableName, and fieldName, padded with zeros so it has a length of 3
The total length of the foreign key constraint will not exceed 29 characters. |
6.2.14. rule-sql-all-indexNameUsingShortName
(since v2.6.0)
Construct the name of an index from the short name(s) of the represented model element(s). For example, a table can represent a class, a property, or an association, and a column can represent a property. The short name of such a model element can be defined via a tagged value, which can be identified through the configuration parameter shortNameByTaggedValue. If no short name is specified, the usual naming conventions apply.
6.2.15. rule-sql-all-normalizing-ignore-case
(since v2.4.0)
If this rule is included, case is not changed when normalizing names.
6.2.16. rule-sql-all-normalizing-lower-case
(since v2.4.0)
If this rule is included, normalization of names is performed as follows:
Replace all occurrences of "." and "-" with "_".
Switch to lower case (can be ignored by including rule-sql-all-normalizing-ignore-case).
By default, the name length is not restricted. However, since v2.10.0, target parameter maxNameLength can be used to define a length restriction. Any name that exceeds this limit will be truncated. |
6.2.17. rule-sql-all-normalizing-oracle
(since v2.4.0)
If this rule is included, normalization of names is performed as follows:
Replace all occurrences of "." and "-" with "_".
Switch to upper case (can be ignored by including rule-sql-all-normalizing-ignore-case).
Restrict name length to 30 characters.
6.2.18. rule-sql-all-normalizing-sqlserver
(since v2.4.0)
If this rule is included, normalization of names is performed as follows:
Replace all occurrences of "." and "-" with "_".
Restrict name length to 128 characters.
Case is not modified. |
6.2.19. rule-sql-all-normalizing-upper-case
(since v2.4.0)
If this rule is included, normalization of names is performed as follows:
Replace all occurrences of "." and "-" with "_".
Switch to upper case (can be ignored by including rule-sql-all-normalizing-ignore-case).
By default, the name length is not restricted. However, since v2.10.0, target parameter maxNameLength can be used to define a length restriction. Any name that exceeds this limit will be truncated. |
6.2.20. rule-sql-all-notEncoded
(since v2.4.0)
This conversion rule suppresses the conversion to SQL DDL of any model elements (more specifically: application schemas, classes, and properties) for which the "sqlEncodingRule" tag is set to "notEncoded".
The encoding rule "notEncoded" is defined in the standard rules, which can be included in the target configuration via: |
<xi:include href="" />
6.2.21. rule-sql-all-precisionAndScale
(since v2.4.0)
For properties or numerically valued code lists with tagged value 'precision' and 'scale' (both with integer value), an according suffix is added to the datatype declaration, resulting in, for example, 'number(5,2)' instead of just 'number'. Scale can be omitted. If scale is provided but precision is omitted, a warning is logged and the datatype is not changed.
6.2.22. rule-sql-all-replicationSchema
(since v2.4.0)
If this rule is included, the target creates an internal SQL structure. However, instead of deriving DDL from this structure, a replication schema is derived.
6.2.23. rule-sql-all-representTaggedValues
(since v2.6.0)
Tagged values of associations or classes that are represented by a table, or of a property that is represented by a column, and which are also identified by the input parameter representTaggedValues, are added to the according model element in the database model. This rule can be useful if additional tagged values that are not automatically written by ShapeChange are needed in a database model.
6.2.24. rule-sql-all-schemas
(since v2.10)
Supports database schemas when creating DDL for PostgreSQL databases. Database schemas are defined using tagged value sqlSchema on application schema packages and potentially also on associations that represent n:m relationships between classes that belong to different application schemas.
Adds statements at the start of the resulting DDL script (but after any kind of header defined using parameter fileDdlTop), to drop resulting database schemas if they exist, to then create these schemas, and to alter a PostgreSQL role (defined by target parameter postgreSqlRole), as shown in the following example (with database schemas s1 and s2):
ALTER ROLE postgres SET search_path TO s1,s2,public;
Supporting database schemas for database systems other than PostgreSQL, or when creating artifacts other than DDL (so a replication schema or database UML model) are not supported (yet - this would be future work). |
If the value of tag sqlSchema is blank, the value of tag xmlns will be used as schema name. If that is also blank, the string "fixme" will be used. |
6.2.25. rule-sql-all-suppressDocumentationViaInlineComments
(since v2.4.0)
Prevents creation of documentation of schema elements via inline comments. This rule overrides parameter createDocumentation.
6.2.26. rule-sql-cls-check-constraint-for-range
(since v2.6.0)
Create a check constraint for a property that has tagged values rangeMinimum and/or rangeMaximum. Each boundary is inclusive. If one of the tagged values is not provided, the default value for that boundary is used (min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000). If both tagged values are empty, the check constraint is not created.
6.2.27. rule-sql-cls-code-lists
Tables are generated for code lists. The first column will contain the initial value of the code, if set – otherwise, it will contain the code name. Other columns will contain descriptor information (see this page on further information on descriptors). Which descriptors are represented is controlled via the parameter descriptorsForCodelist.
The name of the column containing the code name (or initial value) can be controlled via the parameter codeNameColumnName. By default, the type of this column will be textual with unlimited length. The parameter codeNameSize can be used to restrict the text length. However, setting the tagged value 'numericType' on the code list indicates that the codes are numeric. The tagged value should specify the name of the conceptual type that represents the code values best, for example 'Number' or 'Integer'. The SQL data type of the column will then be determined by mapping that type using the map entries defined in the configuration, resulting in a DBMS specific implementation of the SQL data type. For example, if 'numericType=Number', and standard mappings apply, then for Oracle the data type would be 'NUMBER', while for both PostgreSQL and SQL Server it would be 'numeric'. Scale and precision can also be defined for a numerically valued code list (for further details, see rule-sql-all-precisionAndScale).
The name and length of columns with descriptor information can be controlled via a specific metadata syntax of the descriptorsForCodelist parameter value. |
The column containing the code name (or initial value) is a primary key of the table. The primary key specification can be configured via parameter primaryKeySpecificationCodelist. |
Insert statements are created for the codes of a code list. As mentioned before, the first column (whose name can be controlled via the configuration parameter codeNameColumnName) contains the initial value of the code, if defined by the application schema, otherwise the name of the code. Properties with a code list as value type will be converted to foreign key fields (with a type that is appropriate for the given code list).
6.2.28. rule-sql-cls-code-lists-pods
(since v2.3.0)
This rule extends the behavior of rule-sql-cls-code-lists. If a code list is encoded as a table, then the following columns are added (complementing those already created by rule-sql-cls-code-lists):
Definition: Status of the code (defined by another code list that is identified via parameter codeStatusCLType).
The name of this column can be configured via parameter nameForCodeStatusCLColumn
The documentation of this column can be configured via parameter codeStatusCLColumnDocumentation.
The type of the column is configured via parameter codeStatusCLType (name of the code list from the model that contains the status codes).
This column can be NULL.
Definition: Additional human readable text to describe the code status.
The name of this column can be configured via parameter nameForCodeStatusNotesColumn.
The documentation of this column can be configured via parameter codeStatusNotesColumnDocumentation.
The type of the column is text with at most 255 characters.
This column can be NULL.
Definition: Code that has been superceded by the code.
The name of this column can be configured via parameter nameForCodeSupercedesColumn.
The documentation of this column can be configured via parameter codeSupercedesColumnDocumentation.
The type of the column is the same as that of the code column.
This column can be NULL.
These columns are not added to the table that represents the type identified by the configuration parameter codeStatusCLType. |
6.2.29. rule-sql-cls-data-types
Ensures that table creation statements are generated for data types.
6.2.30. rule-sql-cls-data-types-oneToMany-oneTable
(since v2.4.0)
Specific implementation of a one to many relationship to a data type (that is not mapped to a database specific type via map entries): the table that represents the data type contains an additional column that references other tables (which represent classes that have a one-to-many relationship with the data type). The type of the column is configured via parameter foreignKeyColumnDataType. The name of the column is set via tagged value oneToManyReferenceColumnName on the data type or, if the tagged value is not available, via the configuration parameter oneToManyReferenceColumnName.
The column is optional (to support cases in which an attribute with max cardinality 1 has the datatype as value type). That can be changed using rule-sql-cls-data-types-oneToMany-oneTable-ignoreSingleValuedCase. |
This approach does not support specification of a foreign key constraint for the column, since the data type may be used as property value type in multiple other types. Thus, in this approach, one cannot directly identify which table is referenced by the column, for a given row of the data type table. |
This rule has lower priority than rule-sql-cls-data-types-oneToMany-severalTables. |
6.2.31. rule-sql-cls-data-types-oneToMany-oneTable-ignoreSingleValuedCase
(since v2.4.0)
Extends rule-sql-cls-data-types-oneToMany-oneTable to prevent creation of a field for an attribute with a data type - for which a table is created - as type, when the attribute has max cardinality 1. The 'dataTypeOwner' field on the data type table can be used to establish the relationship. That field will be encoded as NOT NULL. Note that the 'dataTypeOwner' could be misused in such a case, when more than one entry references the table that represents the class with the attribute. That would result in multiple values for the attribute, which is not allowed by the conceptual model.
6.2.32. rule-sql-cls-data-types-oneToMany-severalTables
(since v2.4.0)
Specific implementation of a relationship (one to many AND one to one) between a type A and a data type B (that is not mapped to a database specific type via map entries): for each such relationship, a new table is created for the data type (as defined by rule-sql-cls-data-types). The name of such a table is constructed as follows: name of type A (that references the data type) + "_" + name of the property with the data type as value type. A column is added to the table to reference the table that represents type A. The column is defined as "NOT NULL".
The resulting database schema implements a 1:n relationship for these properties - which is not entirely correct for properties with a maximum multiplicity of 1, but a) keeps the datatype semantics, and b) is a tradeoff similar to the one in rule-sql-cls-data-types-oneToMany-oneTable-ignoreSingleValuedCase. |
This rule has higher priority than rule-sql-cls-data-types-oneToMany-oneTable |
6.2.33. rule-sql-cls-feature-types
Ensures that table creation statements are generated for feature types.
6.2.34. rule-sql-cls-identifierStereotype
(since v2.4.0)
Enables use of stereotype «identifier» on class attributes. If an attribute with that stereotype belongs to a class, then the column to represent that attribute will be used as primary key (and no extra identifier column will be generated).
Multiple «identifier» attributes per class are not supported. In such a case, ShapeChange will log a warning and use only one of them as primary key. If the maximum multiplicity of an «identifier» attribute is greater than 1, ShapeChange will log an error. |
6.2.35. rule-sql-cls-object-types
Ensures that table creation statements are generated for object types.
6.2.36. rule-sql-cls-references-to-external-types
If this rule is enabled, then a property whose type is neither covered by a type mapping entry nor contained in the currently processed schema - but in the overall model - is still encoded as a field with a foreign key - if other rules allow table creation for this type. Otherwise the field is encoded using a textual data type.
6.2.37. rule-sql-prop-check-constraint-for-range
(since v2.6.0)
Creates CHECK constraints restricting the range of properties based upon their tagged values 'rangeMinimum' and 'rangeMaximum'. Each boundary is inclusive. If one of the tagged values is not provided, the default value for that boundary is used (default min: -1000000000, default max: 1000000000). If both tagged values are empty, a CHECK constraint is not created.
6.2.38. rule-sql-prop-check-constraints-for-enumerations
Ensures that CHECK constraints are created for fields representing enumeration values.
6.2.39. rule-sql-prop-check-constraint-restrictTimeOfDate
(since v2.4.0)
If the value type of a property is ISO 19103 "Date", and "Date" is mapped to a database system type that contains date as well as time, then a check constraint is created to ensure that the time is set to zero. This rule can be used to prevent unintentionally setting a specific time value (other than zero) which would indicate a higher temporal precision than what is specified by the conceptual model.
For Oracle, check constraints with the following structure are created:
ALTER TABLE <table_name> ADD CONSTRAINT <constraint_name> CHECK (to_char(<column_name>,'HH24:MI:SS')='00:00:00');
This conversion rule is currently only applicable when deriving DDL for the Oracle database system. |
6.2.41. rule-sql-prop-replicationSchema-documentation-fieldWithUnlimitedLengthCharacterDataType
(since v2.4.0)
If this rule is included, and the size of the property represented by a column is unlimited, an annotation is added to the XML element to document this fact. The documentation value is determined via the configuration parameter replicationSchemaDocumentationForFieldWithUnlimitedLengthCharacterDataType.
6.2.42. rule-sql-prop-replicationSchema-geometryAnnotation
(since v2.7.0)
If the value type of a property that is represented by a column has a name starting with "GM_" (typically an ISO 19107 type, for example GM_Surface), then the following appinfo annotations are added to the XML element of the replication schema that represents that column:
<sc:geometryType>{name of the property type, e.g. GM_Surface}</sc:geometryType>
<sc:srid>{value of the srid target parameter}</sc:srid>
6.2.43. rule-sql-prop-replicationSchema-maxLength-from-size
(since v2.4.0)
If this rule is enabled then the length of properties with a size > 0 is restricted using a maxLength restriction.
6.2.44. rule-sql-prop-replicationSchema-nillable
(since v2.4.0)
If this rule is included, the attribute nillable=true will be added to elements that represent columns without a NOT NULL restriction (excluding columns that do not represent a property from the model).
6.3. Parameters
The <targetParameters> recognized for this target are described in the following sections.
The following parameter(s) should be set in the <input> element of the ShapeChange configuration:
6.3.1. applyForeignKeyColumnSuffixesInAssociativeTables
(since v2.10.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Explanation: If set to true, the values of the foreignKeyColumnSuffix.. parameters will be used (instead of the value of target parameter idColumnName) as suffix for fields in associative tables that reference other tables.
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.2. codeNameColumnDocumentation
(since v2.5.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: none (i.e., no documentation would be set for the column)
Explanation: This parameter controls the documentation of the column that contains the name or – if available – the initial value of a code.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-cls-code-lists
6.3.3. codeNameColumnName
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: 'name'
Explanation: This parameter controls the name of the column that contains the name or - if available - the initial value of a code. NOTE: The column name will be normalized according to the rules of the chosen database system.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-cls-code-lists
6.3.4. codeNameSize
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: Integer
Default Value: none (meaning that the name can have any length)
Explanation: This parameter controls the maximum length that a code name may have. This influences the type of the required field of a code list table that contains the name of a code.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-cls-code-lists
6.3.5. codeStatusCLColumnDocumentation
(since v2.5.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: none (i.e., no documentation would be set for the column)
Explanation: This parameter controls the documentation of the column CODE_STATUS_CL column added by rule-sql-cls-code-lists-pods.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-cls-code-lists-pods
6.3.6. codeStatusCLLength
(since v2.5.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: 50
Explanation: Specify the length of a codeStatusCL column added by rule-sql-cls-code-lists-pods, in case that the code status type is an enumeration.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-cls-code-lists-pods
6.3.7. codeStatusCLType
Required / Optional: optional
Type: Boolean
Default Value: "CodeStatusCL"
Explanation: Specify the conceptual type that applies to the CODE_STATUS_CL column added by rule-sql-cls-code-lists-pods.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-cls-code-lists-pods
6.3.8. codeStatusNotesColumnDocumentation
(since v2.5.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: none (i.e., no documentation would be set for the column)
Explanation: This parameter controls the documentation of the column CODE_STATUS_NOTES column added by rule-sql-cls-code-lists-pods.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-cls-code-lists-pods
6.3.9. codeSupercedesColumnDocumentation
(since v2.6.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: none (i.e., no documentation would be set for the column)
Explanation: This parameter controls the documentation of the column CODE_SUPERCEDES column added by rule-sql-cls-code-lists-pods.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-cls-code-lists-pods
6.3.10. createDocumentation
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: Boolean
Default Value: true
Explanation: True if model documentation shall be added to the DDL via comments, else false. This behavior can be overridden via rule-sql-all-suppressDocumentationViaInlineComments.
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.11. createReferences
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Explanation: True if the creation of foreign key constraints is desired, else false. The constraints are used to ensure referential integrity. However, in some cases it can be advantageous to omit them to improve performance.
For the SQLite database system: If foreign key constraints are created, then for an SQLite database the pragma "PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;" is automatically added at the front of the resulting DDL. For further details on SQLite foreign key support, see |
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.12. dataModelEaRepositoryPath
(since v2.5.0)
Alias: dataModelEapPath (this was the parameter name in ShapeChange v2.x)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: none (a new EA repository would be created in the output directory)
Explanation: This parameter can be used to provide the path to the EA repository file in which the data model shall be created. If the value is a URL, the file will be copied to the output directory. If the value is a path to a local file, that file will be used. If the local file (including the directory structure) does not exist yet, it will be created. The parameter can be used to write data models for different DBMSs into the same EA repository file, rather than having them written into different EA repositories. To achieve this, simply specify a local EA repository file using this parameter in the SQL DDL target configurations via which the DBMS specific data models are created.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-all-databaseModel
6.3.13. dataModelEstablishPackageHierarchy
(since v2.5.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Explanation: By default, all table elements of the database model will be created as direct children of the table package defined by the database model pattern. If this parameter is set to true, then a package hierarchy will be created inside that table package, corresponding to the hierarchy of packages that the class represented by a table is in within its application schema. If the number of encoded schemas is greater than 1, then the application schema packages are included in the hierarchy. Tables that do not represent a specific class (example: associative tables) will still be created inside the tables package.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-all-databaseModel
6.3.14. dataModelPatternPath
(since v2.5.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: ""
Explanation:Path (without a trailing "/") to the directory that contains the database model pattern XMI templates
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-all-databaseModel
6.3.15. databaseSystem
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: PostgreSQL
Explanation: Identifier of the database system for which SQL DDL shall be created. Supported systems - and also relevant identifiers - are:
NOTE: The geometry format used in the generated DDL requires PostGIS 2 or higher
NOTE: The DDL produced by ShapeChange has been tested with Oracle version 12.1. (Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release, 64bit Production)
NOTE: The DDL produced by ShapeChange has been tested with SQL Server 2012.
Since ShapeChange v2.9.0
NOTE: The DDL produced by ShapeChange has been tested with SQLite v3.28.0 and SpatiaLite v4.3.0a.
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.16. dbOwner
(since v2.5.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: none
Explanation: This optional parameter can be used to specify the database owner. For example, for PostgreSQL, one could set this to "public".
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-all-databaseModel
6.3.17. dbVersion
(since v2.5.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: none
Explanation: This optional parameter can be used to specify the database version. For example, for Oracle, one could set this to "12.01.0020".
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-all-databaseModel
6.3.18. defaultEncodingRule
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: sql
Explanation: The identifier of the default encoding rule governing the conversion into SQL DDL or a replication schema. To use a custom encoding rule defined in the configuration, simply provide the name of the custom encoding rule via this parameter.
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.19. deletePreExistingDataModelPackage
(since v2.5.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: Boolean (true or false)
Default Value: false
Explanation: When creating a database model, ShapeChange loads DBMS specific templates into an EA repository (which is either created on the fly, or taken from a configured location). These templates add «DataModel» packages with specific names to the repository. If such a package already exists, ShapeChange will create another package with the same name (but different GUIDs for its contents). This could cause confusion. To avoid any confusion, ShapeChange can delete a pre-existing data model package that has the same name as the one that would be added via the template. To do so, set this parameter to true.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-all-databaseModel
6.3.20. descriptorsForCodelist
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String (with specific syntax)
Default Value: 'documentation'
Explanation: Comma-separated list of descriptors that shall be encoded as individual columns in a table representing a code list. The descriptors are specified by their identifier ('alias', 'definition', 'description', 'example', 'legalBasis', 'dataCaptureStatement', 'primaryCode'). In addition to the descriptors, the following identifiers can be used:
'documentation' - to include documentation that is derived from descriptors using the parameters documentationTemplate and documentationNoValue
'name' - to include the name of the code again, if necessary
An identifier can have metadata attached to it (in parentheses). Each metadata item is given as a key-value-pair. Metadata items are separated by a semicolon.
In order for the parameter value to be processed correctly, the value of a metadata item MUST escape any occurrence of "," ";" and ")" with "\"! The example below illustrates how this would look like. |
The following metadata keys are supported:
columnName – alternative name to be used as name for the column representing the specific identifier
columnDocumentation – documentation of the column representing the specific identifier
size – the maximum length that the column representing the specific identifier may have
<targetParameter name="descriptorsForCodelist" value="name(columnName=MY_NAM;size=50;columnDocumentation=The name\; it ...),definition(columnName=MY_DEF;size=255;columnDocumentation=Definition\, not the description (or examples\).)" />
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-cls-code-lists
6.3.21. documentationNoValue
(since 2.0.2)
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: "" (i.e., the empty string)
Explanation: If a descriptor is used in the documentation template, but has no value, this parameter will be used. See here for more information about descriptors.
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.22. documentationTemplate
(since 2.0.2)
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: [[definition]]
The template for the documentation that is generated for schema elements. The patterns "[[descriptor]]" will be replaced by the value of the descriptor, or the value of parameter documentationNoValue, if the descriptor has no value for the model element. A single quote will be escaped with two single quotes. See here for more information about descriptors.
Applies to:
in general, if parameter createDocumentation = true
6.3.23. eaAuthor
(since v2.9.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: none
Explanation: Value for the field 'Author' of an EA element created while encoding a database model.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-all-databaseModel
6.3.24. eaStatus
(since v2.9.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: none
Explanation: Value for the field 'Status' of an EA element created while encoding a database model.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-all-databaseModel
6.3.25. fileDdlBottom
(since v2.4.0)
Type: String
Default Value: none
Explanation: Absolute or relative path to the text file (character encoding is assumed to be UTF-8) whose contents shall be added at the bottom of DDL files produced by the target. This parameter is optional.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
6.3.26. fileDdlTop
(since v2.4.0)
Type: String
Default Value: none
Explanation: Absolute or relative path to the text file (character encoding is assumed to be UTF-8) whose contents shall be added at the top of DDL files produced by the target. This parameter is optional.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
6.3.27. foreignKeyColumnDatatype
Alias: foreignKeyColumnDatatype
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: the primary key type defined by the database strategy, e.g. 'bigserial' for PostgreSQL, 'INTEGER' for Oracle, and 'bigint' for SQL Server
Explanation: Datatype to use for foreign key fields, for example 'bigint' in case of a PostgreSQL database.
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.28. foreignKeyColumnSuffix
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: <the empty string>
Explanation: Suffix to append to the name of columns that contain foreign keys (except if it references a table that represents a data type [for that case, see foreignKeyColumnSuffixDatatype] or a code list [see foreignKeyColumnSuffixCodelist]).
This parameter does not apply to columns (that contain foreign keys) in associative tables. There, the value of parameter idColumnName is appended. |
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.29. foreignKeyColumnSuffixCodelist
(since v2.4.0)
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: value of parameter foreignKeyColumnSuffix (for backwards compatibility)
Explanation: Suffix to append to the name of columns that contain foreign keys referencing tables that represent code lists.
This parameter does not apply to columns (that contain foreign keys) in associative tables. There, the value of parameter idColumnName is appended. |
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.30. foreignKeyColumnSuffixDatatype
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: <the empty string>
Explanation: Suffix to append to the name of columns that contain foreign keys referencing tables that represent data types.
This parameter does not apply to columns (that contain foreign keys) in associative tables. There, the value of parameter idColumnName is appended. |
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.31. foreignKeyDeferrable
(since v2.13.0)
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Explanation: Defines if foreign key constraints shall be declared as deferrable. For further details, see section Checking Foreign Key Constraints.
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.32. foreignKeyInitialConstraintMode
(since v2.13.0)
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String - either 'immediate' or 'deferred'
Default Value: immediate
Explanation: Defines the initial mode of foreign key constraints. For further details, see section Checking Foreign Key Constraints.
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.33. foreignKeyOnDelete
(since v2.13.0)
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String - either 'Cascade', 'No Action', 'Restrict', 'Set Default', or 'Set Null'
Default Value: none
Explanation: Defines the global behavior for foreign key constraint referential actions in case of a delete. For further details, see section Referential Actions.
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.34. foreignKeyOnUpdate
(since v2.13.0)
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String - either 'Cascade', 'No Action', 'Restrict', 'Set Default', or 'Set Null'
Default Value: none
Explanation: Defines the global behavior for foreign key constraint referential actions in case of an update. For further details, see section Referential Actions.
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.35. geometryDimension
(since v2.9.0)
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: none
Explanation: Global definition of the dimension of geometry types, which is used by DBMSs such as SQLite (more specifically, SQLite in combination with the spatial extension SpatiaLite). Used as fallback if no specific geometry dimension is defined via the map entry (and its geometry dimension characteristic) that applies to the value type of a geometry typed property.
This parameter currently only applies to the SQLite database system. An example for a valid value is 'XY'. |
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.36. idColumnName
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: _id
Explanation: Name for the identifier column when generating table creation statements.
If an «identifier» attribute is defined on a class, and rule-sql-cls-identifierStereotype is included in the encoding rule, then ShapeChange will not generate an additional identifier column. It will use the column that represents the «identifier» attribute as primary key. |
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.37. lengthQualifier
(since v2.9.0)
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String - allowed values are 'BYTE' and 'CHAR'
Default Value: none
Explanation: To qualify the length of fields with textual data type of limited length.
Recognized values for the Oracle database system are:
If the field represents a UML property whose value type is covered by a map entry, and that map entry has parameter length with characteristic lengthQualifier, then the length qualifier as defined by the map entry overrides the value defined by the target parameter lengthQualifier. |
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.38. maxNameLength
(since v2.10.0)
Alias: none
Type: positive integer
Default Value: -1 (meaning that name length is unrestricted)
Explanation: Defines the maximum length for database object names. If the name of a database object exceeds that name, it is truncated.
Applies to Rule(s):
6.3.39. nameForCodeStatusCLColumn
(since v2.4.0)
Type: String
Default Value: "CODE_STATUS_CL"
Define the name for the column that stores the code status.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-cls-code-lists-pods
6.3.40. nameForCodeStatusNotesColumn
(since v2.4.0)
Type: String
Default Value: "CODE_STATUS_NOTES"
Define the name for the column that stores a note about the code status.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-cls-code-lists-pods
6.3.41. nameForCodeSupercedesColumn
(since v2.6.0)
Type: String
Default Value: "CODE_SUPERCEDES"
Define the name for the column that stores the code which is superceded by a code list value.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-cls-code-lists-pods
6.3.42. oneToManyReferenceColumnName
(since v2.4.0)
Type: String
Default Value: "dataTypeOwner"
Defines the first part of the name of the column in a data type table that is used to reference tables that represent types from the conceptual model which have a one to many relationship with the data type.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-cls-data-types-oneToMany-oneTable
6.3.43. outputDirectory
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: <the current run directory>
Explanation: The path to the folder in which the resulting SQL DDL or replication schema file will be created.
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.44. postgreSqlRole
(since v2.10)
Alias: none
Type: String
Default Value: postgres
Explanation: Name of the PostgreSQL role for which database schemas are created.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-all-schemas
6.3.45. primaryKeySpecification
(since v2.4.0)
Type: String
Specification for the primary key that is created for a 'normal' table (neither an associative table nor representing a code list).
The keyword "PRIMARY KEY" is included in the specification, since some database systems may have a syntax in which the primary key specification can include pieces that must be written after this keyword (for example "NONCLUSTERED" in SQL Server). |
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
6.3.46. primaryKeySpecificationCodelist
(since v2.4.0)
Type: String
Specification for the primary key of a code list table.
The keyword "PRIMARY KEY" is included in the specification, since some database systems may have a syntax in which the primary key specification can include pieces that must be written after this keyword (for example "NONCLUSTERED" in SQL Server). |
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-cls-code-lists
6.3.47. reflexiveRelationshipFieldSuffix
(since v2.10)
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: <the empty string>
Explanation: Replaces the value of parameter foreignKeyColumnSuffix if the property represented is a reflexive property.
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.48. removeEmptyLinesInDdlOutput
(since v2.4.0)
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Explanation: Set to true if empty lines should be removed in SQL DDL files created by the target. Some SQL clients choke on such lines.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
6.3.49. replicationSchemaDocumentationForFieldWithUnlimitedLengthCharacterDataType
(since v2.4.0)
Type: String
Default Value: "May contain a very large character string."
Provides the value to be set as documentation of elements whose length is not restricted.
6.3.50. replicationSchemaObjectIdentifierFieldType
(since v2.4.0)
Type: String
Default Value: "string"
XML Schema type of a field that contains the identifier of the object for which a data entity contains information.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
6.3.51. replicationSchemaForeignKeyFieldType
(since v2.4.0)
Type: String
Default Value: the value provided via parameter replicationSchemaObjectIdentifierFieldType
XML Schema type of an element that represents a column that is a foreign key.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
6.3.52. replicationSchemaTargetNamespaceSuffix
(since v2.4.0)
Type: String
Default Value: the empty string
Supports setting a suffix that will be appended to the target namespace of the replication schema that is produced by the target.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
6.3.53. sdoDimElements
(since v2.4.0)
Type: String
Default Value: "FIXME"
Set of SDO_DIM_ELEMENT values, to be used for constructing a SDO_DIM_ARRAY when inserting data into USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA. Each value has the following structure: (<first_dimension_name>, <first_dimension_lower_bound>, <first_dimension_upper_bound>, <first_dimension_tolerance>).
There is no separator between individual values (the parentheses serve as separator).
2D geometries: (dim1,-1,1,1.1)(dim2,2,-2.2,2)
3D geometries: (dim1,-1,1,1.1)(dim2,2,-2.2,2)(dim3,3.3,3,-3)
This will result in SQL statements structured as follows:
INSERT INTO USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA (TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DIMINFO, SRID) VALUES ('<table_name>', '<column_name', MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ARRAY(MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('<first_dimension_name>', <first_dimension_lower_bound>, <first_dimension_upper_bound>, <first_dimension_tolerance>), MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('<second_dimension_name>', <second_dimension_lower_bound>, <second_dimension_upper_bound>, <second_dimension_tolerance>)), <srid>);
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior (Note, however, that this parameter only applies if the target database system is Oracle).
6.3.54. separateCodeInsertStatementsByCodelistType
(since v2.5.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: (comma-separated) String
Default Value: none
Explanation: If this parameter is included in the configuration, then SQL statements for insertion of codes into codelist tables are written to separate output files. The value of the parameter is a (comma-separated) list of categories. For each of these categories, the insert statements where the code list has tagged value 'codelistType' with a value equal to the category are written to a new output file. The name of that file will be that of the main DDL file, plus suffix '_inserts_codelistType_{category}'.
Applies to Rule(s): none – general behavior
6.3.55. separateSpatialIndexStatements
(since v2.5.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: Boolean
Default Value: none
Explanation: If the value of this parameter is 'true' (ignoring case), then SQL statements related to spatial indexes (creation, but also insertion of geometry metadata) are written to a separate output file. The name of that file will be that of the main DDL file, plus suffix '_spatial'.
Applies to Rule(s): none – general behavior
6.3.56. shortNameByTaggedValue
(since v2.6.0)
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: shortName
Explanation: Name of the tagged value that provides the short name for a model element.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-all-constraintNameUsingShortName
6.3.57. size
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: Integer
Default Value: 1024
Explanation: Size for fields representing textual properties with limited length, to be used in case that the property represented by the field does not have a 'size' tagged value. A value of zero or negative means use the type for unlimited text length.
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.58. srid
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: Integer
Default Value: 4326
Explanation: EPSG code of the spatial reference system to use for geometries.
For the SQLite database system: Needs to be an SRID supported by SpatiaLite, otherwise triggers and metadata for geometry columns will not correctly be created by SpatiaLite. The SRIDs known to SpatiaLite are listed within a SpatiaLite database, section 'Metadata', view spatial_ref_sys_all (for further details, see Currently (2019-07-11), SRID 4979 does not appear to be supported by SpatiaLite. |
Applies to Rule(s): none - default behavior
6.3.59. tablespace
(since v2.5.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: none
Explanation: This optional parameter can be used to specify the tablespace. For example, for Oracle, one could set this to "USERS". There is no default value.
Applies to Rule(s): rule-sql-all-databaseModel
6.3.60. writeSqlEncodingInfos
(since v2.14.0)
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: none
Explanation: This optional parameter can be set, in order to generate SQL encoding infos.
Applies to Rule(s): none
6.4. Map Entries
<mapEntries> contain individual <MapEntry> elements, which for this target contain information for mapping specific types (classes) from the UML model to SQL.
<MapEntry type="CharacterString" rule="*" targetType="cond:textOrCharacterVarying"
<MapEntry type="Boolean" rule="*" targetType="boolean" param="defaultValue{true=TRUE;false=FALSE}"/>
<MapEntry type="GM_Point" rule="*" targetType="POINT" param="geometry"/>
A <MapEntry> element contains the attributes described in the following sections.
The following files define standard mappings for a number of types of the ISO Harmonized Model. Each file is defined with a different goal in mind (DDL for a specific database system, or a replication schema):
Such a file can be included in ShapeChange configuration files (via XInclude - see the configuration examples). Additional XInclude files, or individual <MapEntry> elements added to the <mapEntries> section of the configuration file, may be used to customize the map entries to support additional pre-defined conceptual UML classes. |
6.4.1. type
Required / Optional: Required
Explanation: The unqualified UML type/class name to be mapped. Should be unique within the model (if it is not unique, this can lead to unexpected results).
6.4.2. rule
Required / Optional: Required
Explanation: The encoding rule to which this mapping applies. May be "*" to indicate that the mapping applies to all encoding rules.
6.4.3. targetType
Required / Optional: Required
Explanation: Name of the type to use in DDL statements or replication schema elements.
Use 'cond:' to indicate that conditional type selection needs to be performed, with the following string identifying the nature of the type mapping. Currently supported are the following conditions:
textOrCharacterVarying - use this type to indicate that the UML type should be mapped to a textual type, the length of which depends upon the setting of 'size' for this property (as described before).
6.4.4. param
Required / Optional: Optional
Explanation: Defines one or more parameters for the mapping. If no parameter is provided (leaving the 'param' attribute empty) then the map entry contains a straightforward mapping, usually to a simple type.
Each parameter has a name. A list of parameters is separated by commas. Each parameter can also have characteristics defined for it, providing even further information for the conversion. Characteristics for a parameter are provided within curly braces. A characteristic usually is provided by a key-value pair, with the key being the identification of the characteristic.
Supported parameters, their interpretation as well as characteristics are described in the following sections. Parameter: defaultValue
(since v2.4.0)
Explanation: Name of the parameter to provide characteristics for encoding an initial value of an attribute as a default value
Applies to database type: all
Description: Specifies the value to represent the Boolean value 'true' in the mapping that the parameter applies to. Default is TRUE.
Applies to database type: all
Description: Specifies the value to represent the Boolean value 'false' in the mapping that the parameter applies to. Default is FALSE.
Applies to database type: all
Description: If set to 'true' (ignoring case), this characteristic specifies that the default value shall be quoted. Default is false. Typically, this characteristic is set to true in map entries for types that map to a textual type, but it can also apply to date types. It usually does not apply to numeric types.
NOTE: Also applies to the representation of a Boolean value.
- Parameter: length
(available since v2.5.0)
Explanation: This is important for correctly parsing the length value from the targetType (more specifically, its parameterization).
lengthQualifier (since v2.9.0):
Applies to database type: Oracle
Description: Qualify the length of the data type. Recognized values are 'BYTE', 'CHAR', and 'NONE' (typically used to override the global setting via target parameter lengthQualifier).
- Parameter: geometry
Explanation: Indicates that the map entry contains a mapping for a geometry type (specifically from ISO 19107). IMPORTANT: If geometry types are not identified via map entries containing this parameter then ShapeChange cannot determine for which table fields geometry indexes need to be established!
Applies to database type: SQL Server
Description: Used in the creation of spatial indexes. Defines a numeric tuple with the four coordinates of the bounding box: x and y coordinates of the lower-left corner, and x and y coordinates of the upper-right corner.
Applies to database type: SQLite
Description: Specifies the dimension of the geometry in the mapping that the parameter applies to. An example for a valid value is 'XY'. A global default value for this characteristic can be set via the target parameter geometryDimension.
Applies to database type: Oracle
Description: The value specifies the exact geometry type to assign to a field with geometry type when building a spatial index for it. This is necessary because the restriction to specific geometry types within an Oracle spatial database is specified via the spatial index. The type of a field with geometry type is always SDO_GEOMETRY.
Applies to database type: SQL Server
Description: Used in the creation of spatial indexes. Indicates the tessellation scheme for a spatial index.
- Parameter: precision
(available since v2.5.0)
Explanation: The target type can have precision. This is important for correctly parsing the precision (and optional scale) from the targetType (more specifically, its parameterization). The parameter is mutually exclusive with 'length'.
Characteristics: none Parameter: table
Explanation: Indicates that the map entry contains a mapping for a type that is represented by a table. This is important for correctly setting the type of fields representing properties with this type as value, as well as creating foreign key constraints.
Applies to database type: all
Description: the value identifies the category of the conceptual type that is identified by the map entry. Recognized values are:
primaryKeyColumns (since v2.14.0):
Applies to database type: all
Description: the value is a space-separated (!) list of the names of all columns that constitute the primary key of the table. A table often only has a single primary key column.
7. Configuration Examples
7.1. DDL
<Target class="" inputs="TRF_XYZ"
<targetParameter name="defaultEncodingRule" value="sql2"/>
<targetParameter name="outputDirectory" value="results/sql/ddl"/>
<targetParameter name="databaseSystem" value="Oracle"/>
<targetParameter name="idColumnName" value="testobjectidentifier"/>
<targetParameter name="size" value="4000"/>
<targetParameter name="srid" value="31467"/>
<targetParameter name="createReferences" value="true"/>
<targetParameter name="createDocumentation" value="true"/>
<targetParameter name="documentationTemplate" value="[[definition]]"/>
<targetParameter name="documentationNoValue" value=""/>
<targetParameter name="foreignKeyColumnSuffix" value="_FK"/>
<targetParameter name="codeNameSize" value="255"/>
<targetParameter name="sdoDimElements" value="(dim1,-1,1,0.1)(dim2,-2,2.2,0.2)(dim3,-3,3,0.05)"/>
<targetParameter name="primaryKeySpecification"
<EncodingRule name="sql2" extends="sql">
<rule name="rule-sql-cls-object-types"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-prop-check-constraints-for-enumerations"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-cls-data-types"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-cls-references-to-external-types"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-cls-code-lists"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-prop-exclude-derived"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-all-associativetables"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-all-exclude-abstract"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-all-foreign-key-oracle-naming-style"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-all-check-constraint-naming-oracle-default"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-all-normalizing-oracle"/>
<xi:include href="sc-resources/config/StandardRules.xml"/>
<xi:include href="sc-resources/config/StandardSqlMapEntries-Oracle.xml"/>
7.2. Replication Schema
<Target class="" inputs="TRF_XYZ"
<targetParameter name="defaultEncodingRule" value="replicationSchema"/>
<targetParameter name="outputDirectory" value="results/sql/repXsd"/>
<targetParameter name="databaseSystem" value="Oracle"/>
<targetParameter name="idColumnName" value="testobjectidentifier"/>
<targetParameter name="size" value="4000"/>
<targetParameter name="srid" value="31467"/>
<targetParameter name="createReferences" value="true"/>
<targetParameter name="createDocumentation" value="true"/>
<targetParameter name="documentationTemplate" value="[[definition]]"/>
<targetParameter name="documentationNoValue" value=""/>
<targetParameter name="foreignKeyColumnSuffix" value="_FK"/>
<targetParameter name="primaryKeySpecification"
<targetParameter name="replicationSchemaTargetNamespaceSuffix" value="/rep"/>
<targetParameter name="replicationSchemaObjectIdentifierFieldType" value="integer"/>
<targetParameter name="replicationSchemaForeignKeyFieldType" value="string"/>
<targetParameter name="replicationSchemaDocumentationForFieldWithUnlimitedLengthCharacterDataType"
value="Test documentation for fields with unlimited length character data type."/>
<EncodingRule name="sql2" extends="sql">
<rule name="rule-sql-cls-object-types"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-prop-check-constraints-for-enumerations"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-cls-data-types"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-cls-references-to-external-types"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-cls-code-lists"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-prop-exclude-derived"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-all-associativetables"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-all-exclude-abstract"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-all-foreign-key-oracle-naming-style"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-all-check-constraint-naming-oracle-default"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-all-normalizing-oracle"/>
<EncodingRule name="replicationSchema" extends="sql2">
<rule name="rule-sql-all-normalizing-ignore-case"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-all-replicationSchema"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-prop-replicationSchema-optional"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-prop-replicationSchema-nillable"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-prop-replicationSchema-maxLength-from-size"/>
<xi:include href="sc-resources/config/StandardRules.xml"/>
<xi:include href="sc-resources/config/StandardMapEntries_ReplicationSchema.xml"/>
7.3. Database Model
<Target class="" inputs="F_multiplicity"
<targetParameter name="databaseSystem" value="PostgreSQL"/>
<targetParameter name="defaultEncodingRule" value="customRule"/>
<targetParameter name="outputDirectory" value="results/sql/databaseModel/postgresql"/>
<targetParameter name="outputFilename" value="database_model_postgresql"/>
<targetParameter name="size" value="-1"/>
<targetParameter name="srid" value="4979"/>
<targetParameter name="createReferences" value="true"/>
<targetParameter name="foreignKeyColumnSuffix" value="_fk"/>
<targetParameter name="foreignKeyColumnSuffixCodelist" value="_fk"/>
<targetParameter name="codeNameColumnName" value="code"/>
<targetParameter name="dbOwner" value="public"/>
<targetParameter name="deletePreExistingDataModelPackage" value="true"/>
<EncodingRule name="customRule" extends="sql">
<rule name="rule-sql-all-associativetables"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-all-exclude-abstract"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-all-precisionAndScale"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-cls-code-lists"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-cls-object-types"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-prop-check-constraints-for-enumerations"/>
<rule name="rule-sql-all-databaseModel"/>
<xi:include href="sc-resources/config/StandardSqlMapEntries-PostgreSQL.xml"/>
<MapEntry type="Guid" rule="*" targetType="varchar(16)" param="length"/>
<MapEntry type="MyReal1" rule="*" targetType="numeric(5)" param="precision"/>
<MapEntry type="MyReal2" rule="*" targetType="numeric(5,2)" param="precision"/>