1. Overview
The GML Codelist Dictionary target is a tool for encoding GML dictionaries for the code lists and – if so configured – the enumerations of an application schema.
ISO 19103 defines a code list as an "open enumeration", one which is extensible under certain circumstances. It is therefore convenient to be able to produce listings of the allowable values for these enumerations.
ISO 19136:2007 (the GML 3.2.1 specification), clause 15, provides a GML Dictionary schema for capturing and disseminating definitions in a format that is easily-accessible and allows nesting.
The following rules apply:
A code list will be processed except if its "asDictionary" tagged value is set to false, or if parameter codelists is set to false.
An enumeration will be processed if parameter enumerations is set to true.
A code list / enumeration will be output as an individual XML file with a top-level GML Dictionary element.
The filename will be the name of the UML class with an ".xml" extension.
For each GML Dictionary:
The gml:id attribute of the dictionary will be the name of the code list / enumeration.
The value of the GML description element of the dictionary is derived via the parameters documentationTemplate and documentationNoValue, using the descriptors of the code list / enumeration. If the value is empty, no description is created.
The value of the GML identifier element of the dictionary will be the first non-empty value retrieved via one of the sources specified by parameter identifier. The @codeSpace of that element will be the value of target parameter fixedIdentifierCodeSpace, if set, otherwise it will be the target namespace of the schema to which the code list / enumeration belongs.
A GML name element will be added to the dictionary for each non-empty source specified by parameter names. 'codeSpace' XML-attributes can be generated for these name elements, depending upon the setting of target parameter <nameSourcesToAddAsCodeSpace>>.
A GML Definition will be added to the dictionary for each of the codes/enumerants defined for the code list / enumeration - as well as its direct and indirect supertypes.
For each Definition:
A gml:id attribute is added, with a value determined as follows:
If parameter definitionGmlIdTemplate is configured, and results in a non-blank value, then that value is used as gml:id. Otherwise, the value of gml:id is retrieved from the source specified by parameter gmlid. An underscore will be prepended if the value does not start with a letter or an underscore).
If no value was found via the definitionGmlIdTemplate or gmlid mechanisms, then the value of gml:id will be an underscore followed by the model id of the code / enumerant.
The value of the GML description element of the definition is derived via the parameters documentationTemplate and documentationNoValue, using the descriptors of the code / enumerant. If the value is empty, no description is created.
The value of the GML identifier element is determined as follows:
If parameter definitionGmlIdentifierTemplate is configured, and results in a non-blank value, then that value is used. Otherwise, the value is the first non-empty value retrieved via one of the sources specified by parameter identifier. The @codeSpace of that element will be looked up in the following order:
target parameter fixedIdentifierCodeSpace
tagged value codeList
tagged value infoURL
the target namespace of the schema to which the code list / enumeration belongs, followed by "/" and the name of the code list / enumeration
A GML name element will be added to the definition for each non-empty source specified by parameter names. 'codeSpace' XML-attributes can be generated for these name elements, depending upon the setting of target parameter <nameSourcesToAddAsCodeSpace>>.
2. Configuration
The <Target> element definition for the GML Codelist Dictionary target is a standard ShapeChange target. An example is given below:
<targetParameter name="outputDirectory" value="results/dictionaries" />
2.1. Class
The class for the Target implementation is de.interactive_instruments.shapechange.core.target.codelists.CodelistDictionaries.
2.2. Target Parameters
2.2.1. addStylesheetProcessingInstruction
(since v4.0.0)
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: Boolean
Default Value: true
Explanation: If set to false, no XML processing instruction for an xsl-stylesheet will be added to generated XML documents.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
2.2.2. codelists
(since v4.0.0)
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: Boolean
Default Value: true
Explanation: If set to false, code lists are not encoded as dictionaries.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
2.2.3. definitionGmlIdTemplate
(since v4.0.0)
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: none
Explanation: The template for the gml:id XML-attribute of a GML Definition element that represents an enum or code. The patterns "[[descriptor]]" will be replaced by the value of the descriptor, or the value FIXME, if the descriptor has no value for the model element. For further information on descriptors, including the available descriptor identifiers, see this page. In addition to the well-known descriptors (including 'name' for the name of the UML model element), the values 'initialValue' and 'className' can be used as well (i.e., "[[initialValue]]" and "[[className]]").
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
2.2.4. definitionGmlIdentifierTemplate
(since v4.0.0)
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: none
Explanation: The template for the gml:identifier XML-attribute of a GML Definition element that represents an enum or code.
Usage is the same as explained for parameter definitionGmlIdTemplate.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
2.2.5. documentationNoValue
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: "" (i.e., the empty string)
Explanation: If a descriptor is used in the documentation template (see the according parameter), but has no value, this parameter will be used. See here for more information about descriptors.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
2.2.6. documentationTemplate
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: [[definition]]
The template for the documentation that is generated for <gml:description> elements. The patterns "[[descriptor]]" will be replaced by the value of the descriptor, or the value of parameter documentationNoValue, if the descriptor has no value for the model element. A single quote will be escaped with two single quotes. See here for more information about descriptors.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
2.2.7. enumerations
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Explanation: If set to true, enumerations are also encoded as dictionaries.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
2.2.8. fixedIdentifierCodeSpace
(since v4.0.0)
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: none
Explanation: Specify the value to use in all @codeSpace XML-attributes of GML identifier elements.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
2.2.9. gmlid
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: String
Default Value: id
Explanation: Specify the source for the value of the gml:id attribute of a <gml:Definition> element, which corresponds to a code / enumerant. Valid sources are:
"id" – corresponding to the id of the code / enumerant
"name" – corresponding to the name of the code / enumerant
"alias" – corresponding to the alias name of the code / enumerant
"initialValue" – corresponding to the initial value that may be defined for the code / enumerant
A tagged value of the code / enumerant, identified via "@" + \{tagged value name}
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
2.2.10. identifier
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: List of Strings (comma-separated)
Default Value: name
Explanation: Specify the sources for the value of the <gml:identifier> element that is created for <gml:Dictionary> and <gml:Definition> elements. The elements correspond to a code list / enumeration and its codes / enumerants. The first non-empty value retrieved from the sources will be chosen. Valid sources are:
"id" – corresponding to the id of the model element
"name" – corresponding to the name of the model element
"alias" – corresponding to the alias name of the model element
"initialValue" – corresponding to the initial value that may be defined for a code / enumerant
A tagged value of the model element, identified via "@" + \{tagged value name}
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
2.2.11. names
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: List of Strings (comma-separated)
Default Value: alias, initialValue
Explanation: Specify the sources for the values of the GML name elements that are created for GML Dictionary and GML Definition elements (which correspond to a code list / enumeration and its codes / enumerants). For each non-empty value, a GML name element will be created. Valid sources are:
"id" – corresponding to the id of the model element
"name" – corresponding to the name of the model element
"alias" – corresponding to the alias name of the model element
"initialValue" – corresponding to the initial value that may be defined for a code / enumerant
A tagged value of the model element, identified via "@" + \{tagged value name}
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
2.2.12. nameSourcesToAddAsCodeSpace
(since v4.0.0)
Alias: none
Required / Optional: optional
Type: (comma-separated list of) string(s)
Default Value: none
Explanation: Define for which sources of values for GML names (see target parameter names) the source name shall be added via an additional codeSpace XML-attribute on the GML name element. Note that for a tagged value source, the starting '@' in the source identifier will be removed, so that the plain tag name is added as codeSpace value. That can be useful to differentiate multiple GML name elements for a Dictionary or Definition element.
Valid sources are those defined for target parameter names.
Example use: If parameter 'names' was set to name,initialValue,@readableName
and three GML elements were encoded for a GML Definition element - one
for the model name, one for the initial value, and one for tagged value
readableName, then by setting parameter 'nameSourcesToAddAsCodeSpace' to
, the GML names for the initial value and the tagged
value would receive XML-attribute codeSpace, with value 'initialValue' and
'readableName', respectively. Applications and humans can then easily
distinguish which GML name element contains the model name (the one
without a codeSpace attribute), which one contains the initial value, and
which one contains the readable name.
Applies to Rule(s): none – default behavior
2.2.13. outputDirectory
Type: String
Default Value: <the current run directory>
Explanation: The path to which the XML files representing the dictionaries will be written. Because there may be a large number of such files, it is suggested that a unique directory be designated for this purpose.
Applies to Rule(s): none – general behaviour
3. Sample Configuration
class="de.interactive_instruments.shapechange.core.target.codelists.CodelistDictionaries" mode="enabled"
<targetParameter name="outputDirectory"
<targetParameter name="sortedOutput" value="true"/>
<targetParameter name="documentationTemplate" value="[[documentation]]"/>
<targetParameter name="enumerations" value="true"/>
<targetParameter name="gmlid" value="name"/>
<targetParameter name="names" value="name, alias, initialValue, @name"/>
<targetParameter name="nameSourcesToAddAsCodeSpace" value="alias, initialValue, @name"/>
<targetParameter name="identifier" value="name"/>
<xi:include href="https://shapechange.net/resources/config/StandardNamespaces.xml"/>